Page 6 - Viterra Vibe_June 2024 (Final)
P. 6

Five questions with Mandeep Sran

                                             inspection and grading of various types of  requires a solid understanding of
                                             grains, primarily malt barley and canola.   grain quality as well as the equipment
                                             As I am still developing in this role, I learn   used in my daily tasks. Achieving this
                                             by working alongside the senior Grain   will be instrumental in my continued
                                             Inspectors. I often help prepare samples   development towards a Senior Grain
                                             for them by assessing dockage, moisture   Inspector role.
                                             and protein before the final grade   What do you like best about working at
                                             assessment is made. Another key task I   Viterra?
                                             perform is processing calibration samples   I appreciate the positive and healthy
                                             that are submitted by our primary    environment, and strong sense of
                                             elevators. This is critical to ensure that our   teamwork, where everyone works
                                             elevator staff are able to provide accurate   together towards common goals. My
                                             results to our customers.            manager and coworkers are incredibly
                                             What work accomplishment are you     supportive and always willing to lend a
                                             most proud of?                       helping hand. This supportive culture at
       What is your role with Viterra and how   I joined Viterra as a temporary employee.   Viterra not only enhances productivity but
       long have you been part of the team?  Despite the temporary nature of the   also makes it a great place to work.
       I am a Grain Inspector in the Quality   position, I was determined to make an
       Control Lab in the Regina office, and   impact. I dedicated myself to learning   What do you like to do in your spare time,
       have been a member of the team for    as much as possible and consistently   and what is a fun fact about you?
       three years. My educational background   delivering high-quality work. My efforts   I enjoy watching movies in my free time.
       includes a Masters degree in Botany, and   paid off when I was promoted to a   But my favorite pastime is sitting in the
       I previously worked as a Botany lecturer   permanent position.             sunshine during the summer, with a cup
       in India.                                                                  of tea in my hand. The warmth of the sun,
                                             One of my first achievements at Viterra   the cool breeze, and the refreshing tea -
       What are some of your responsibilities?  was completing the training for a    it’s a simple pleasure that I cherish. As a
       My current responsibilities involve   Level 1 Grader. This accomplishment   fun fact, I have a passion for food.
       Five questions with Étienne Tardif

                                             promote the plant and to try to increase   rebuild a commercial desk from scratch.
                                             canola and soybean acreage in eastern   In the first year, I had to do all the
                                             Canada. I eventually started to purchase   purchases from the plant myself with a
                                             grain and have been doing that full time   junior merchandiser. This was new for
                                             since 2013.                          me as I had done small purchases in the
                                             What are some of your responsibilities?  past but never to sustain a 3,000mt a day
                                             My main responsibility is to originate   crush plant.
                                             grain in eastern Canada. We buy direct   What do you like best about working at
                                             from the farm but also from commercial   Viterra?
                                             companies. The structure in the east is   I like working with lots of talented people.
                                             quite different from western Canada as   We have a good network that allows me
                                             we have a lot of smaller farms that grow   to have market information from around
                                             100-200 acres of soybean or canola   the world. That also spreads the burden
                                             each year, so we need to structure our   of grain origination which also makes
                                             purchases differently.               a big difference on the success of the
       What is your role with Viterra and how                                     Bécancour plant.
       long have you been part of the team?  I’m also responsible for receiving canola
       My current role is Manager, Grain     vessels into the Port of Bécancour, which  What do you like to do in your spare
       Origination and Production Logistics for   is 2 km from the plant, and manage   time?
       the Bécancour oilseed processing plant in   transferring seed by truck from the dock   I’ve been a soccer player since I was 5
       Québec. Our team buys eastern soybeans   to the plant. The vessels are loaded in   and now have 45 years of experience. I
       and canola from Québec, eastern Ontario   Thunder Bay with canola coming from   still play 1-2 times per week all year long.
       and the maritime provinces. I have been   Manitoba and eastern Saskatchewan.  In the summer I enjoy camping with my
       with Viterra since 2015, when Viterra   What work accomplishment are you   family in different places throughout
       acquired the plant, and have been     most proud of?                       Québec and Ontario. I also like to read
       working at the plant since 2008 under the  In 2013-2014 when the previous owners   books, any genres, from French classical
       facility’s previous ownership. Originally,   of the facility exited joint ownership   to science fiction and fantasy.
       I started with them as an agronomist to   of the plant with Bunge, we needed to

       6   |    VITERRA   VIBE  SUMMER 2024
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