Page 8 - Viterra Vibe_June 2024 (Final)
P. 8

Community investment corner


       The 46th annual Canada’s Farm Show    A number of staff also attended the   Community
       took place this week from June 18-20   Exhibitor Networking Event, which was   Contribution spotlight
       with Viterra returning as presenting   new to the show this year.
       sponsor for the 17th year. We were excited   The show wrapped up on Thursday with a   Kris Hadesbeck has been involved
       to support this important showcase of the   focus on ‘Education and Young Farmers’.   with the Regina Riot since the team’s
       latest equipment and technology in our   We were able to connect with secondary   inaugural season in 2011, serving in a
       industry.                             and post-secondary students at the    variety of roles on the coaching staff.
       Kyle Jeworski kicked off the Farm Show   ‘Launch Your Career in Ag’ career fair   In the fall of 2019, Chris took over as
       at the President’s Reception on June 17,   event.                           the 6th head coach in team history
       where he delivered remarks highlighting   Thank you to everyone who worked at and   and continues to work tirelessly on
       the longtime relationship between Viterra   visited our booth, helping to make the   building the Riot into a championship
       and the show. Significant changes for   event a success!                    contender while also focusing on
       2025 forward were also announced at the                                     building women’s tackle football at all
       reception. This includes moving the show                                    levels. The Riot focuses on building
       from June to March, as well as a new                                        strong relationships on the team and in
       show theme “Grow”, and some exciting                                        the community. Their involvement with
       new programming.                                                            Ovarian Cancer Canada and the annual
                                                                                   teal game are some of Kris’ favourite
       The theme for Tuesday was ‘Farmer                                           parts of being involved with the team.
       Appreciation Day’, beginning with the
       Premier’s Breakfast and featuring the                                       Kris’ other community involvement
       AgTech 24-Hour Start Up.                                                    includes coaching high school football,
                                                                                   announcing at local games, and
       Wednesday’s focus was ‘Innovation’ where                                    national tournaments held by Football
       we hosted several producers throughout                                      Canada.
       the day with the VIP Farmer Program.
                                                                                   Thanks for your contributions in your
       SUPPORTING YOUTH BASEBALL THROUGH THE WCBL                                  community, Kris!
       Viterra has partnered with the Western   •   July 16 in Sylvan Lake, AB
       Canadian Baseball League (WCBL) again   •   July 17 in Edmonton, AB
       this year to present the 2nd annual Viterra  •   July 18 in Lethbridge, AB
       Kids Camps.                           •   July 18 in Regina, SK
       The Western Canadian Baseball League   •   July 19 in Swift Current, SK
       is Canada’s premier summer collegiate   •   July 22 in Saskatoon, SK
       baseball league with 12 teams throughout   Click here to find out more about a camp
       Alberta and Saskatchewan.             near you and register!
       Camps will take place this summer on:
       •    July 3 in Weyburn, SK                                                       Are you, or someone at your
       •    July 3 in Okotoks, AB                                                      facility, involved in giving back
       •    July 5 in Brooks, AB                                                      to your community? Send a note
       •    July 5 in Moose Jaw, SK                                                    to Viterra.Communications@
       •    July 9 in Medicine Hat, AB                                       so we can consider
       •    July 12 in Fort McMurray, AB                                             highlighting these contributions in
                                                                                          a future Vibe spotlight!
       We have partnered with Canadian       expertise and resources to grow and
       Foodgrains Bank (CFGB) for the 9th    harvest crops. Proceeds from the sale
       consecutive year to help them with their   of the crops will be donated to the
       mission to end hunger by donating land   Foodgrains Bank in support of their work
       around five of our facilities to support   to fight food insecurity around the world.
       growing projects.                     Viterra further supports the CFGB by
       This year, we are provided 267 acres   donating $5 for every tonne donated to
       of land around our grain facilities in   the CFGB with producers receiving a tax
       Balgonie, Grenfell, and Raymore, SK and   receipt for their donation.
       Lethbridge and Trochu, AB. Producers   Learn more here.
       in the area are volunteering their time,
                                                                                  Seeding at the Balgonie CFGB site.
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