Page 5 - Viterra Vibe_June 2024 (Final)
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Sustainability spotlights

       The Clean Fuel Regulations (CFR) are   For producers to participate, Viterra   changes were discussed in the recent
       Government of Canada regulations      is required to collect GPS coordinates   Delivery Declaration webinar held on
       that require fuel producers to reduce   that are representative of the farm such   May 30.
       the carbon intensity of the fuels they   as a home quarter. Producers will also   A FAQ document has been posted in the
       produce and/or sell in Canada. The CFR is   need to sign Terms and Conditions that   CAR Resources, Supporting documents,
       expected to increase domestic demand   acknowledge their eligibility to participate   section on OurPlace to aid CARs in their
       for crops that can be used in biofuel   based on the exemptions for Canadian   discussions with Decision Makers.
       production.                           producers.
                                                                                  Thanks to our Customer Account
       Participating in the CFR is voluntary and   Viterra has updated their GPA/TPAs   Representatives and Facility Sales
       will allow producer’s grain to be sold   (excluding myViterra) to include the GPS   and Admin staff for their hard work
       into the domestic clean fuel market,   coordinates and Terms and Conditions.   on collecting home quarters, we have
       which creates increased local demand   This update will apply to GPA/TPAs for all   collected land locations for 90% of our
       and movement opportunities for their   commodities. The CFR requirements and   Decision Makers to date.
       product. All crops grown and harvested
       in Canada are eligible to participate in the
       CFR through legislative recognition. This
       means Canadian producers are exempt
       from demonstrating individual compliance
       with sustainability requirements related
       to Land Use and Biodiversity Criteria.

       In 2022, Viterra established a baseline of   After establishing a baseline, we set   initiatives across our network as well
       our Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG)   a decarbonization goal to reduce our   as increased production at our crush
       emissions. Scope 1 and 2 covers GHG   GHG emission intensity by 25% by 2032.   facilities. Globally, Viterra achieved a
       emissions created from resources used by  The intensity is based on production   5% GHG intensity reduction. With these
       Viterra owned/managed facilities.     (crushing) volumes at our processing   results, we are well on track to meet our
           Scope 1 = emissions from natural gas   facilities.                     decarbonization goals.
           and fuel use                      In 2023, Viterra Canada achieved a GHG
           Scope 2 = emissions from electricity   intensity reduction of over 7%. This
           purchased                         achievement was a result of efficiency

         Viterra x Bunge integration update

         As we continue working towards the close   With this in mind, we are still working   ambition to offer one voice to our
         of our intended business combination   towards a target closing date of    customers as soon as possible after
         with Bunge, we would like to share an   August 23.                       the close of the transaction. Although
         integration progress update:        Legal Day 1 (LD1) readiness          customer transaction processes and
         Regulatory filings & approvals      For LD1, we are prioritizing a seamless   systems will not change on LD1 unless
         We have now completed filings or pre-  experience for colleagues and our   specifically communicated, Viterra will
         notifications in all jurisdictions. So far, we   customers, suppliers and other   identify as Bunge on LD1 in all locations.
         have received 21 out of the 31 required   stakeholders. In preparation to achieve   Clear communication on how colleagues
         antitrust clearances, and all 10 foreign   this, the integration planning team met   should engage with and represent the
         direct investment clearances.       for a Day 1 Readiness Summit between   Bunge brand after close will be provided
         Of the five most important filings, we   May 14-16. We cross-checked functional   on or prior to LD1.
         are pleased to confirm we have recently   and regional integration plans to identify   For all the latest updates, visit the
         received unconditional clearance from   any outstanding decisions and mitigate   Viterra x Bunge section of the intranet or
         Brazil. We continue to make progress with   any gaps in our integration planning,   send any questions you have about the
         the four outstanding key jurisdictions –   and completed stress-tests to ensure   planned combination to integrationteam@
         the US, Canada, China and the European   business continuity across the combined
         Union.                              organization. We also discussed our

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