Page 47 - Lulu and Bob in Verbo City
P. 47

Bob peered at her scrawls. “So it’s ‘Names you’ll be positive you’re
        knowing well’. That’s not very good grammar: if we were Wordcraft
        Rangers  we  could  give  Uncle  a  citation  and  he’d  have  to  appear
        before the Language Police. Or could he claim poetic license?”
          “Is this thing a poem?” Lulu looked doubtful. “We’ll soon find out.
        Line three begins with two linked human figures: one has a very big
        toe, radiating heat or pain for emphasis, I suppose; the other towers
        over him. Must be ‘toe’ plus ‘tall’. I get it: ‘total’!”
          “Right.”  Bob  reached  into  the  cookie  jar.  “Here,  Lulu:  have  an
        Okinawa flying fox. I’m sorry. Anyway, the next word probably has
        only  one  solution,  because  it’s  made  of  three  parts:  a  prisoner
        (because of his striped outfit), a penny (clearly denominated) and a
        soldier’s meal in a can (also unambiguous). I don’t know about the
        first part, but the rest could be ‘cent’ plus ‘ration’. Aha! ‘Con’, short
        for ‘convict’: ‘concentration’.”
          “Excellent!” said Lulu. “And I see how to make this go faster: we’ll
        alternate, and only interrupt if one of us gets stuck. You agree? Fine.
        Now we have the letter ‘U’, which could be a bracket or a horseshoe
        or a U-turn, but is probably just the word ‘you’, followed by a can of
        film tied to a pair of eyes. Let’s see…yes, it’s a reel: ‘realize’.”

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