Page 37 - Unlikely Stories 3
P. 37

Cyberceutics Deletes Obsessogens with Ping-a-Ding

      easily. It is important to note that anything new will not make headway
      directly  challenging  the  old;  the  former  can  appear  compatible,  even
      conciliatory, while it makes the latter irrelevant—intentionally or not.
      A  significant  percentage  of  scientists  are  atheists  or  agnostics,  and
      probably perceive that progress in  their field  of study is impeded by
      entrenched theology, but they do not organize into a protest movement
      and march on Washington! As long as they can get government grants
      and university tenure, they will not rock the boat.  So it is necessary to
      bend with the wind: that is why Cyberceutics LLC is incorporated in
      Costa Vendido.”
         “I don’t suppose you ever planned to return to the States, did you,
      Dad?—not even for medical treatment?”
         “Correct.” Old Doctor Barfuss slumped a bit in his chair. “I don’t
      think  the  distress  caused  by  the  legal  problems  I  would  have  faced
      could have been offset by any better doctors or hospitals. You should
      take  a  look  around  Alterado:  a  lot  of  millionaires  have  taken  up
      residence, and the health facilities are top-notch. The same goes for the
      rest of the infrastructure accessible by those with money. Life here is
      good. And the señoritas—well, I envy your youth!”
         Young Doctor Barfuss grinned. “I see you’re not dead yet!”
         “Damn right! But this place can sell itself, if you give it a chance.
      And if you’ve just got to engage in hazardous winter sports, you can
      find them in a lot of countries other than the U.S.A. At any rate, you
      must be tired, and I am rambling. Let me tell you about my venture,
      now that I’ve described the market. You will have perceived that my
      company’s name is a conflation of the two great engines of innovation
      and  profit  in  our  time,  cybernetics  and  pharmaceuticals.  I  cannot
      compete  with  the  drug  industry,  but  I  can  use  its  symbolism  and
      prestige to great effect on existing computer networks. The American
      government  would  shut  me  down  if  I  sold  an  unlicensed  medical
      device or made an unsubstantiated claim about a product already used
      for other purposes. Thus the three components of my secular religion
      came into being, the legitimacy of each enhanced by my—and your—
      name: Doctor.”
         “First I took a page out of the ‘big pharma’ playbook. You might be
      aware that the number of treatable diseases has grown over the past
      fifty years in direct proportion to the patentable remedies available to
      treat them. In many cases these new drugs had no function until what

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