Page 28 - The Big C
P. 28
Jesus taught His disciples how to pray to the Father.
Matthew 6:9-13 showed the A.C.T.S. (Adoration,
Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication) of worshipping the
Father, the admonition to ask for the will of God, and the
aim to follow the ways and acts of the Lord.
Pray your prayer; Jesus Christ is listening. He is also praying
for you!
Lord, thank You for being our Advocate to the Father,
always interceding for us. Thank You that You stand before
the Father to plead our case. From the time we are formed in
the womb to the time of our last breath, You are in control.
While waiting for our appointed time, which is already
written in Your Book of Life, help us be like You – always
praying. Bring to mind those who are sick, lonely, and poor;
those leaders in the government, church, business, and
school; the doctors, nurses, teachers, missionaries, and
pastors; those close to our heart, our family and friends, and
those who are lost and need the Savior. Holy Spirit, come
and lead us, renew and revive our prayer life in Jesus’ Name.
Paraclete – commonly refers to the Holy Spirit and is
translated as ‘advocate, ‘counsellor’ or ‘helper.’