Page 109 - Reason To Sing by Kelita Haverland
P. 109
Chapter Seventeen
“Oh, I’m so sorry, what a horrible burden you’re bearing.
Your mom and your father too? You’ve been going through
a lot, haven’t you? That’s so much to be taking on. I can see
why you were guided to this altar tonight. Sometimes we try
to carry these heavy burdens on our own but then we realize
we just can’t do it. We simply do not have enough strength. We
need God’s strength.” She pauses and takes my hand. “Can I
ask if you’ve ever received Jesus into your heart?”
I realize with sudden clarity exactly what she means. “No.
I haven’t. Not until just now. I just surrendered my life to him,
right here, right now.” The tears are really flowing but my soul
feels strangely full.
She smiles so warmly my heart melts. “That is wonderful to
hear, Kelita. When we surrender to Jesus and ask him to come
into our lives, we know we are no longer on our own. I’m going
to pray for you right now and I know that moving forward,
you will feel the power of Jesus in your life and you won’t be
carrying this huge burden on your own any longer. Shall we
pray together?”
I close my eyes tightly and press my palms together. This
heartfelt decision is what I have needed. It feels so right.
Tonight my life is forever changed. I know it deep within me,
like a sacred truth that has always existed but has only just now
been awakened.
I am walking on a cloud when I get home. I creep into
my mother’s bedroom. Mike is snoring loudly but I ignore
him completely as I kneel by Mommy’s bedside. Quietly, in
the softest whisper, I share my deep spiritual experience.
She squeezes my hand and I know this means she is happy.
There is an unspoken connection we share in this very special
moment. And I find peace in knowing that this deep love and
understanding will last forever. No matter what happens.