Page 184 - Reason To Sing by Kelita Haverland
P. 184
Reason To Sing
Chapter Thirty-Two
The Major Affair
When I receive a call from the producer of a Canadian Armed
Forces show tour, I jump at the opportunity. These shows are
the equivalent of the old “Bob Hope” shows in the USA. I love
the prospect of being involved in a large musical production,
performing for our soldiers. But equally attractive is the
prospect of being away from home. It’s the perfect set-up. Two
weeks away, including rehearsals and tour dates. I’m thrilled
for the opportunity to visit several Canadian military bases in
Northern Canada.
After a quick stop in Newfoundland, we land at the top
of the world. Alert, in Nunavut, Canada, is the northernmost
permanently inhabited place on the planet. Only 500 miles
from the North Pole (to be precise). There is a “military signal
intelligence radio receiving” facility and we are here to perform
for these isolated personnel. And of course, to socialize, aka
… party! I quickly learn that the partying and mingling are
even more important than the show itself. Boosting moral and
delivering a bit of home is the job.
Within hours, the soldiers and our production crew have
us set up and we deliver our variety show featuring singers,
dancers, musicians and a comedienne. After the show is over,
all the girls donate a pair of panties (new ones, I might add) to
the mess hall, which is a rather odd, long-standing tradition.
They’re proudly displayed on the wall for all to see. A bit of fun
for everyone.
After our 48 hours in the most remote place I could