Page 261 - Reason To Sing by Kelita Haverland
P. 261
Chapter Forty-Three
with the many frustrations of the music business, my life is truly
blessed. For the first time, my career isn’t the most important
thing to me.
While waiting for this baby to be born, Gord and I are
busy recording demos of all the new songs we’ve written. We
are trying our best to come up with a memorable name for
our makeshift studio in our little dark and dank basement. We
decide on KGB Music. Aka Kelita and Gord’s Basement. “You
vill record here and you vill like it!” Not a very glamorous name
but neither is this basement. Every time it rains, we get an inch
of water and have to use old newspapers to sop it up. And when
we need to record vocals and it’s cold outside, I have to dress up
in full winter gear because we have no choice but to turn off the
loud, oil-burning furnace.
But we’re happy creating and making music together. For
me, along with the baby growing inside of me, this is a dream
come true. We have already picked out his name. HIS. The way
this baby is moving around, I am quite sure it is a boy. And
he will be called Keldon. Kel from my name and Don from
Gordon. Much better than Gordita!
Keldon is quite happy to take his sweet time entering the
world, but enter he does after over seventeen hours of labour.
My happy world is now complete. Our sweet baby, Keldon
James Lemon, is in my arms. Our beautiful child has finally
arrived to fulfil that deep longing that only a woman truly
knows, and he is perfect in every way. We are madly in love
with our precious gift from God.
How could we possibly be any happier? I cannot imagine
life being more perfect.
Nor can I imagine the heartache that is waiting on my
doorstep, preparing to barge into my sublime little world and
annihilate this hard-earned bliss.