Page 328 - Reason To Sing by Kelita Haverland
P. 328
Reason To Sing
men and their individual stories. I pray for your love and grace
to penetrate their hearts as Kelita shares today and that you be
glorified. Thank you for bringing her and her husband Gordon
to us today. In Jesus name, Amen.”
Gord and I chime in with a hearty, “Amen.” But all I am
really thinking is I must be crazy for saying yes to this!
My husband manages a very quick sound check on the
antiquated system and then the men in grey begin to file in.
The low buzz of their babble starts filling the empty room. To
call this room a chapel would be a stretch. It is cold and stark.
No stained-glass windows, glowing candles or purple velvet.
Just grey and more grey.
I nervously pull out my handwritten notes and place them
on the piano’s music stand. Time for a few more deep breaths
while the Chaplain gives a short introduction. Now my palms
are wet, exactly like they used to get for those awful piano
exams I was forced to take. My brain feels as thick as molasses.
Part of me wants to crawl under this rickety old piano bench
and hide. But I cannot hide. Even though I am way out on a
limb, I know that I have been called to this service. All I can do
is pray that my audience can’t sense my vulnerability.
My hands are trembling as I place them on the keys and
begin to play. I am terrified that my voice won’t cooperate, but
it does. And when it does, I feel a supernatural power taking
over. I feel strong and confident because I know God is guiding
me as I sing.
Be brave and walk on
Don’t I know it well
I’m not lookin’ for your sympathy
This is just one woman’s story to tell
You see my father took his life