Page 332 - Reason To Sing by Kelita Haverland
P. 332
Reason To Sing
me farewell and walks away, my heart swells with a beautiful
new affection I am learning to embrace. It’s called Grace.
I am learning that it is okay to love me. I am worthy.
This is a truly sacred moment. I now know that my own
healing journey is going to change. Because I have changed.
My goals have changed. My soul has changed. My heart has
been changed by God. My path is new and vital, strengthened
by my profound willingness to serve Him through the telling
of my story and the singing of my songs.
I am becoming whole.
I flash back to when a young, painfully distraught 14-year-
old was about to lose another parent. There she was, kneeling
on the stairs and surrendering her life to Jesus.
Now here she is again. But she has grown into a fully realized
woman, with a different, brighter heart, overflowing with love
for the One. I whisper quietly through my tears, “Lord, I hear
you. I hear you calling me. I am yours. I commit my career and
all my future to you. Take these gifts you’ve given me and then
let them be used for your glory.”
I revel in this moment of pure acceptance. Tears of joy
stream down my cheeks as I stretch out my hands and reach
toward the heavens. I am so very grateful for my gifts because
I now know my purpose.
I am whole.
And wholly available.
As for me, I will serve the Lord.
Here I am, wholly available
As for me I will serve the Lord
Must Have Been From Heaven