Page 337 - Reason To Sing by Kelita Haverland
P. 337
Life has also taught me that when we are hurting, we often
don’t fully see the needs of those around us. The people we love
are sometimes the most neglected. For that I have forgiven my
mother. I know she did the best she could while she was here.
My God, I wish I could have known her in her golden years. To
just sit with her and ask the hard questions and learn about not
only the wife and mother, but her, the woman. To gain a solid
understanding of her choices, especially the ones that so greatly
impacted my own life. I console myself with the knowledge
that she was responsible for taking me to that little church
where I was introduced to the love of God and a church family.
Perhaps she somehow knew deep down that one day, this is the
family I would need.
I will always be indebted.
Vian: In early life, Vian and I were undeniably connected in
a powerful way. We understood each other like no one else.
When I adopted the role of little mother, the responsibility I
felt for her was fierce, as was the love. I know she felt the same
However, when I fled home at 18, Vian’s own story began
to take independent shape, and not in a positive way. Her
struggles started in her mid-teens when her first boyfriend
physically abused her and she found herself in some minor
trouble with the law. Unfortunately, she also found a new
confidence in vodka. I knew nothing about these troubles. My
sweet baby sister never ever wanted to disappoint me.
Vian fled the clutches of our stepfather once she turned
18 and received her inheritance. That is when the real party
started. For the next few years, I answered calls at all hours of
the morning, when big-sister mode would once again kick in
as I talked her down from some drug-induced high and told