Page 325 - Reason To Sing by Kelita Haverland
P. 325
Chapter Fifty
I am back in the saddle again! Finally, I have new music flooding
the airwaves and the excitement continues to mount. The first
single (and video), “The Strong One,” is receiving substantial
airtime on Canadian radio and CMT (Country Music
Television). The record company reports that sales are going well.
I can’t tell you how amazing this feels. It’s been a crazy ride
getting here but maybe this will be the one to take me to the
top. I still keep believing I was meant for stardom. Believing and
But that’s not all I am now believing. In the midst of focusing
on my personal life and prepping for this new release, I’ve been
invited to branch out from country music. My new friend
Michelle (a beautiful soul who is also a pastor) has put together
a group of Christian artists to perform church concerts. We each
do a 20-minute set. I’ll tell you; it’s been quite a transition from
selling beer to selling Jesus. A whole new world for me and I’m
learning a lot!
Today will be an even bigger learning curve. I have joined our
small church group to help lead the music for a service at a local
men’s prison. The first (and only) time I’ve ever sung in a prison
was years ago, with my full band. An unforgettable experience.
In the weeks prior to arriving, the prisoner liaison kept mailing
me long pages of handwritten letters. I’m sure he had a crush on
me. It was all rather flattering, that is until I found out he was
in jail for murdering his wife. Our pen pal relationship ended
rather abruptly.