Page 34 - 6 Day Self-Care Guide
P. 34


     Puzzles are multifunctional - they improve

     memory and focus, help with problem solving

     skills, lower stress, bond puzzlers, and can

     help us put technology aside. Tips: Have a

     dedicated area with good lighting, sort pieces

     by color, and start with the border.


                                          Consuming a podcast allows you to make

                                          the experience personal and relatable -

                                          allowing you to pick the type of content you

                                          want. Self-help, inspirational, humorous,

                                          business, uplifting, you name it, it's out


    Set aside time each day to refrain from

    using any tech devices or make time                                     Digital Detox

    limits for certain activities: (like social media,

    texts or emails). Tips: You should put down

    devices with blue light 2 hours before bed -

    no less than 30 minutes, don't sleep with

    phone in the bedroom or at minimum,

    leave it out of reach.

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