Page 29 - 6 Day Self-Care Guide
P. 29
Reflection or self-awareness helps you Reflection
evaluate your own thoughts, emotions,
decisions and actions. It can include other self-
care activities like journaling or meditation. Tips:
Take personality tests to understand
your innate traits (Gallup, Myers-Briggs,
Enneagram) write down goals/dreams, and
be consistent in your practice.
Community Communities help us to discover
connections, emotional support, self-
confidence, and strength to persevere to
name a few benefits. Tips: Join a group
with shared interests, volunteer, attend
religious gatherings, or create a group or
club to support yourself and others.
Don't let someone else's wrongdoing
(or your own) hold your energy back
from comfort and peace. This takes
practice. Tips: Take a moment to calm
down, get everything off your mind, say
I forgive you vs I'm sorry, and let it go.