Page 69 - IAK Emagazine Thenmozhikal
P. 69

of the teacher’s engagement in teaching      Remittances help Indian Rupee hold its value
                   and balance on research on curriculum,       against the US dollar and forms a significant
                   different subjects and towards higher        part of the GDP.
                   studies. Students don’t feel study pressure
                   and enjoy their learning.                    On a micro level, remittances have shown a
               •   Quality of food: Stringent food safety       positive     impact       on      healthcare,
                   requirements mean that every food item       entrepreneurship, education, and overall
                   is regulated. For example, the remaining     economic development of the recipient
                   baked items are thrown away at the end       families.
                   of  the  day  and  next  day  fresh  ones  are
                   sold. Same goes for vegetables as well.      Remedies
               •   Better transportation facilities. One does   Quality education and healthcare ought to be
                   not have to have his own car or bikes to     focused sincerely with social security support,
                   commute. And of course, the freedom to       but not in the form of freebies and loan
                   travel to other countries effortlessly, visa   waivers that tend to cripple the competitive
                   free.                                        spirit. And ease of doing business should be
               •   No corruption, nepotism or pulling strings.   improved further with less restrictions and
                   You will become what you study for.          less layered processes.
                                                                Government surely has been working hard on
               Net Result                                       this as is being seen in the emerging statistics.
               Indians go overseas for better education, job    In order to improve the living standards of the
               etc. This is a global phenomenon and nothing     common people in  the country, procedures
               wrong about this, nor to be frowned upon.        and processes in everything that affects them,
                                                                need to be streamlined and made easier and
               With regards to the gains, the migrants get      affordable.
               better higher education, earn more, send         Digital   economy     and    online    public
               money home, the remittances help  India’s        distributions systems help the benefits of
               economy grow and their success influences        various citizens’ services reach the intended
               others  in  their  families  and  communities  to   beneficiaries in a democracy.
               follow through.
               Because of lesser complicated or layered         Migration is a very natural and common
               system, Indian immigrants rise faster in their   phenomenon the world over from time
               career, even reaching the top of the ladder      immemorial.  Humans  always  move  around
               and leading a lesser stressful life, as regards   seeking  greener    pastures   and    better
               to the social and cultural milieu there.         opportunities. More often than not, economic
                                                                compulsions push people to take the long
               With their success, the Indian origin            route away.
               immigrants  help  elevating  India’s  image      India’s demographic dividends need not slide
               overseas, as is happening today. Millions of     into losses, when the large young population
               Indians are getting inspired by the successful   is deprived of proper guidance and
               Indian origin business leaders at the global     opportunity. Such situations will make brains
               level today, leading top MNCs.                   flight away, nestling afar, benefiting others.
                                                                Quality    educational    institutions   and
               The world has recognized Indian talent and       healthcare facilities would evolve the country
               this has tremendously enhanced India’s image     better, stronger, well developed and a better
               globally, which is also the third largest        place to live in. It’s expected that the
               economy in the world today.                      government would be considering these
               Silicon Valley and NASA especially have          factors while improving situations in our
               positively influenced aspiring young Indian      beautiful country to support enterprising
               minds and resultantly, our country has today     young    minds    with  necessary    support
               several successful tech entrepreneurs and        ecosystem and less complicated citizen
               scientists invading the market with their        services.
               enterprising  business  ventures.  This  augurs
               well for India and will help in its self-reliance   Together we should strive hard to excel in
               plans.                                           every field of work while maintaining and
                                                                keeping  alive  India’s  plural  socio-cultural
               Monetary gains from Immigrants – a clear         milieu and democratic values, fostering
               gain to any country.                             compassion and serving humanity and being
                                                                entrepreneurial in approach while remaining
               At the macro level, remittances contribute to    responsible citizens, with a sense of pride and
               maintaining     stable   foreign    reserves.    ownership. Together WE Will.

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