Page 68 - IAK Emagazine Thenmozhikal
P. 68

Capt. Subin Joseph
                                                                                       ECHS Polyclinic,
                                                                                       Painavu, Kerala
                       Young India,

                       Our Strength:

                       But where are

                       we heading now?

            “Migration powers economic growth reduces        Not everything is rosy outside India though,
            inequalities and connects diverse societies.     but the living standards seem to be better
            Yet it is a source of political tension and      while  talents invariably  struggle  less for
            human tragedies.                                 desired results and recognitions.
             “Over 1.29L Keralites went abroad this year
            for higher studies; most of them belong to       A few major benefits of living abroad
            middle class families from our villages”         include:
                                                             •   Good career potential, quality of overseas
            As a global community, we face a choice. That        education, quality of life, easy visa-less
            choice is harder in recent times as it started       access to other countries for work related
            affecting the lives of we, the (100% literate)       travel, demand for English speaking Indian
            keralites.                                           talent etc are pull factors.
                                                             •   There are  clear cut  systems  in  place in
            What motivates our youth to migrate                  most developed countries and with
            abroad?                                              extensive social security mechanisms that
            The common and prime driver of migration             really help people in need.
            has been better income generation and            •   Work life balance: weekends and holidays
            growth.                                              are given priority and respected by the
                                                                 employers. So no work on weekends. Also
            There are many other reasons also for people         the working hours are strictly followed.
            to migrate to other countries.                   •   Skill based growth path, no hierarchy, less
            Lack of appropriate opportunities, lack of       •   Better  health care  system:  Proper care
            talent retention policies, visa issues and dual      and better treatment and less negligence
            citizenship   provisions,   lack   of   merit        even when it is a very minor thing.
            recognition, relatively poor quality of life, tax   •   Quality education: it is one of the most
            rates, among others                                  important things when it comes to quality.
                                                                 In  certain   countries,   education   is
            Then, there is a sense of entitlement enjoyed        absolutely   free  of   cost  in   public
            by sections of the ruling elites with above-         universities. The procedure of teaching is
            the-law privileges and with no accountability.       very different and practical with stress on
                                                                 sustainability. It generally encourages
            Professionals, experts, PMPs with skilled and        questioning and provokes to be innovative,
            chartered professionals are seen as lacking          not rote learning, as is so common in
            the drive to be in leadership roles to deliver       Indian educational system.
            projects in time and quality deliverables.       •   Colleges and Universities allow 20 percent

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