Page 35 - The Modul of Psycholinguistics Studies_2
P. 35

d.  Five stages
                    1)  Five stages of second language acquisition

                           Proponents    of   second   language    acquisition
                    theories, including Oliveri and Judie Haynes, another ESL

                    teacher with 28 years of experience, identify five distinct
                    stages  of  second  language  acquisition  as  originally
                    espoused by linguist Stephen Krashen. These include the

                    a)  Pre Production/ Silent and Receptive Stage
                           Students    do    not    verbally    respond    to

                    communication in the second language although there is
                    receptive  processing.    Students  should  be  actively

                    included  in  all  class  activities,  but  not  forced  to  speak.
                    Students  are  likely  to  respondnon-verbally  to  peer-
                    buddies  during  inclusion  in  many  activities:  interaction

                    with  visuals  and  audiovisuals,  games,  and  hands-on
                    projects.    As  students  Progress  through  this  stage,  they

                    will begin to participate using gestures and pointing, and
                    they may begin to provide one-word verbal responses.

                       Students                             Teacher
                   The          Learning          Strategies           Assessing
              Characteristics     Task        Teachers need to:     Comprehension:
             1.  are often    1.  listen   1. encourage listening   1. Show me the . . .
                verbally      2.  point      and not              2. Draw a . . . .
                unresponsive   3.  move    2. force speaking      3. Point to examples
             2.  are often    4.  mime     3. slow speech and       of . . . .
                hesitant and   5.  match     emphasize key        4. Can you draw the
                unsure        6.  draw     4. words                 parts of . . . . ?
             3.  may use one   7.  select   5. model and          5. Show what would
                word          8.  choose     demonstrate activities   happen if . . . .
                responses     9.  act/act   6. use visual aids,   6. Move (object/to
             4.  are developing   out        pictures,              place) if you
                listening skills   10.  circle   7. graphic organizers,   agree . . . .
             5.  need time to                realia
                be                         8. use gestures and body
                comfortable                  language
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