Page 40 - The Modul of Psycholinguistics Studies_2
P. 40
Students Teacher
The Learning Teachers Assessing
Characteristics Task Comprehension:
need to:
1. begin to 1. summarize 1. provide 1. How would
speak in 2. restate visually rich you
more 3. contrast content
complex 4. predict instruction describe…
sentences 5. create 2. design 2. Which
2. may use 6. classify content
incorrect 7. extend activities statements
grammar 8. evaluate that focus on support…?
and verb 9. support 3. speech
forms 10. examine production, 3. what
3. participate not
more often grammatical questions
in large 4. form would you ask
groups 5. have students
4. need take on about…?
context larger roles in 4. what is the
clues in 6. cooperative
content group relationship
area activities between…?
instruction 7. provide extra
5. exhibit time or 5. can you
greater modify predict the
vocabulary 8. assignments
developme 9. introduce outcome if…?
nt colloquialism 7. Compare and
6. begin to s and idioms contrast the…
think in the
7. instead of
from the
5. Continued language development/advanced fluency
Students in this stage begin to engage in non-cued
conversation and to speak fluently using social and academic
language. It is appropriate to begin to direct students‟ attention
on grammar, idiomatic expressions, and reading comprehension
40 | Fatma Yuniarti, M.Pd., B.I