Page 38 - The Modul of Psycholinguistics Studies_2
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with students in this stage should be focused on Communication
            rather than form.  Teachers and other students should encourage

            and  be  receptive  to  all  attempts  to  communicate  (gestures,
            attentiveness,  following  directions,  any  oral  participation).

            Teachers  and  students  should  model  correct  usage  in  all
            communication, but not correct errors.

                        Students                         Teacher
                   The           Learning                        Assessing
              Characteristics      Task          Teachers     Comprehension:
                                                 need to:
            1.  begin to      1. slisten      1.   use        1.  can you
                 speak in     2. point           cooperativ     recall…?
                 simple       3. move            e grouping
                 sentences    4. mime            for          2.  can you
            2.  demonstrate  5. match            instruction    explain what
                 expanded     6. draw         2.  encourage
                 vocabulary   7. select          efforts to     is
            3.  show          8. choose          participate
                 improved     9. act/act out   3.  ask How      happening…?
                 comprehensi  10.     Circle     and What     3.  how would
                 on                              type
            4.  may ask for                      questions      you use…?
                 clarification                4.  emphasize   4.  how would
                 or meaning                      content        you
            5.  participate                      area
                 in small                        vocabulary     organize…?
                 group                        5.  provide     5.  what would
                 discussions                     picture
            6.  may rely on                      rich           happen if…?
                 native                          content      6.  what choice
                 language to                     area text,
                 communicat                   6.   trade        would you
                 e complex                       books, and     have made…?
                 ideas                           magazines
            7.  start to                         at student
                 acquire                      7.   level
                 basic                        8.  provide
                 communicati                     frequent
                 on skills and                   opportunit
                 social                          ies to use
                 language                     9.   English

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