Page 41 - The Modul of Psycholinguistics Studies_2
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skills. Activities should be designed to develop skills in higher
order thinking, vocabulary development, and cognitive
processing. Students in this stage need deliberate instruction on
reading and writing skills and frequent opportunities to practice
It takes most learners at least two years to reach this
stage, and then up to 10 years to achieve full mastery of the
second language in all its complexities and nuances. Second
language learners need ongoing opportunities to engage in
discussions and express themselves in their new language, in
order to maintain fluency in it.
The key to learning a new language and developing
proficiency in speaking and writing that language is consistency
and practice. A student must converse with others in the new
language on a regular basis in order to grow their fluency and
confidence. In addition, Haynes says it‟s important for students
to continue to work with a classroom teacher on specific content
area related to the new language such as history, social studies
and writing.
Students Teacher
Learning Assessing
The Characteristics Teachers
Task Comprehension:
need to:
1. constru 1. emphasize 1. how would you
1. can interact ct content explain…?
extensively with 2. hypoth area 2. will you
native speakers esize vocabulary interpret in your
2. make few 3. justify 2. begin to own
grammatical 4. analyz provide 3. words…?
errors e grammar 4. what other way
3. participate in 5. defend instruction would you..?
English literacy 6. conclu 3. focus on 5. what ideas
programs de reading justify…?
4. high levels of 7. influen and 6. can you think of
Psycholinguistics | 41