Page 36 - The Modul of Psycholinguistics Studies_2
P. 36

with                       9. use multimedia aids
                classroom                    to illustrate
                environment,               10.    concepts
                procedures,                11.    modify work by
                and activities               amount, time,
             6.  respond non-              12.    and content
                verbally by
                gesturing, or

            2.  Early production
                    This  stage  may  last  about  six  months,  during  which

            language  learners  typically  acquire  an  understanding  of  up  to
            1,000 words. They may also learn to speak some words and begin

            forming  short  phrases,  even  though  they  may  not  be
            grammatically correct.
                    Students in this stage begin to respond verbally using one

            or  two  words.    Students  begin  to  develop  the  ability  to
            understand words often repeated in a familiar context.  Students

            begin  to  develop  listening  skills  and  build  their  passive  and
            receptive (listening)  vocabulary.   They  may  begin  to  group  two
            and  three  words  together  in  a  short  phrase  to  respond  to  a

            question or express an idea.
                       Students                             Teacher
                  The                               Strategies          Assessing
             Characteristics   Learning Task   Teachers need to:     Comprehension:
            1.  use          1.  Name       1.  use cooperative     1.  where is the..?
               cooperative   2.  label         learning and         2.  draw and label
               grouping for   3.  group        scaffolding             the…
               instruction   4.  respond       techniques           3.  show me how
            2.  encourage    5.  discrimina  2.  ask yes/no and        you know…
               efforts to        te            directed choice      4.  show how you
               participate   6.  list          questions               would sor…
            3.  ask How and   7.  categorize  3.  ask Who, What, and   5.  predict (tell)
               What type     8.  tell/say      Where questions         what comes
               questions     9.  chant      4.  ask listing type       next…
            4.  emphasize    10.  answer       questions            6.  why did

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