Page 11 - July 2020 Board Meeting Agenda_Neat
P. 11

International Association of Auto Theft Investigators
                                    Auto Theft Prevention Authorities Committee

                                                    Meeting Minutes

               Date:          May 21, 2020

               Time:          11:00 AM to 12:30 PM (EST)

                              Conference call via Zoom

               ☐   AAMVA, Paul Steier
               ☐  Alberta, Brittany Ouellette
               ☐  Arizona, Ann Armstrong                          ☐   Michigan, Dennis Doherty
               ☒  Arizona, LTC James McGuffin                     ☐  Michigan, George Baker
               ☒   Arizona, Amanda O’Halloran                     ☐   Michigan, Tim Bailor
               ☒   Arizona, Frank Ceballos                        ☐   Michigan, Matthew Helmkamp
               ☐  Arkansas, Ken McCoy                             ☐  Manitoba, Rick Linden
               ☐  Australia, Cathy Horton                         ☐   Minnesota, Michael Marben
               ☐  British Columbia, Alex Lee                      ☒    Minnesota Commerce Fraud Bureau,
               ☒  California, Jason Daughrity                         Joseph Boche
               ☐   Colorado, Sev Vasquez, Analyst                 ☐   New Jersey, Michael Kane
               ☒  Colorado, Robert Force                          ☐   NICB, Darell Russell
               ☒  Colorado, Krystal Cook-Matson                   ☐  New Mexico, Bill Rehm
               ☒  Colorado, Pamela Hackbarth                      ☐  New Mexico, Roberta Baca
               ☒   Florida, Les Craven                            ☐  New Mexico, Mark Torres
               ☐  Hawaii, Wendell Takata                          ☐  New Mexico, Devin Chapman
               ☐  General Motors, George Baker                    ☐ New York, Jason Tillou
               ☐  Georgia, Richard Trinkwalder                    ☒  Ontario, Reg Phillips (Chairperson)
               ☐  IAATI International Executive Director,         ☒   Ontario IBC, Bryan Gast
                      John Abounader                              ☒   Pennsylvania, Steven Wheeler
               ☐  IAATI International President South Africa, Tinus   ☒  Texas, Bryan Wilson
                   Odendal                                        ☐  Texas, Tommy Hansen
               ☐  IAATI 1  International Vice President Australia,   ☐  Texas, Dan Price
                   Paul Thomas                                    ☐  Utah, Todd Madsen
               ☐  Illinois, Greg Stevens                          ☐  Virginia, Thomas Molnar
               ☐  Interpol, Renato Schipani                       ☐  Washington, Cynthia West
               ☒   Iowa Attorney General’s Office, Holly Merz     ☐  Washington, Mike Painter
               ☐  Kansas, Craig Phillips
               ☐  Louisiana, Darie Jordan Williams
               ☒  Louisiana, Kevin Smith
               ☒   Maryland, Christopher McDonald

               ☒  Michelle Lanham, IAATI Public
               ☒  Daniel Biggar, CISON
               ☒   Todd Wolf, IAATI Education and Certification Chair, IAATI Board Member
               ☒   Amanda Owen

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