Page 94 - July 2020 Board Meeting Agenda_Neat
P. 94

As such we encourage you to actively engage in all board and committee meetings in a
                          positive and cooperative manner.

                       4. Prior to each Board meeting, you will be asked to submit a board report that will be
                          included as part of the Board Agenda papers.  The International Executive Director will
                          provide all board members with two types of Microsoft Word templates for the submission
                          of such reports.  One template is for use if there is something you want to the board to
                          discuss, provide advice/feedback on, or to vote on.  The second template is for those
                          occasions when you are simply reporting information for noting and not requiring any
                          discussion or decisions from the board.  All reports should be submitted by the deadline
                          notified by the International Executive Director, to enable all reports to be collated and
                          circulated well in advance of the board meeting.

                       5. As mentioned your board report is your opportunity to provide raise any issues or concerns,
                          feedback or to highlight any initiatives, or achievements that your branch/chapter has
                          implemented, or seeking to implement.   In addition, it normally provides a statement about
                          the number of members in your branch/chapter, your financial position and notification of
                          any upcoming training your branch/chapter is planning.

                       6.  At the annual International Conference, there will generally be two Board meetings
                          (generally on the Saturday before the Conference and on the Wednesday of the conference.
                          In additional a number of the committee’s may hold meetings on the weekend before the
                          conference or during the conference.  Again you are expected to attend these meetings or if
                          unavailable nominate a person from your branch to represent you.

                       International Committees

                       7.  The International Board has a number of committees.  In general there is an attempt,
                          whenever possible, to have representation of all branches and chapters on these
                          committees.  This is to ensure the committee hears a broad cross-section of views and
                          develops policies that are in the best interest of the Association and the vast majority of our
                          members.   As a branch or chapter President you are encourage to seek out and identify
                          members from your local board and or membership that you believe can make a positive
                          contribution to each of the various International Committees.  You are asked to liaise with
                          the International President and 1st Vice President and put forward your recommendations
                          of such members from your branch that you believe would be suitable for each
                          International committee.

                          It should be noted that having your members on International Committees is not only a
                          great way for your Branch/Chapter to influence the decisions and direction of the
                          Association, but it also provides them with valuable experience that they can then bring to
                          your local board.
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