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04                                                              March 2020        AgriBrasilis


               AgriBrasilis      is     an    University   of  São   Paulo,    Godoy  (EMBRAPA)  clarifies
            agribusiness portal  of Brazil    introduces the magnitude of      the history of soybean Asian
            and Latin America. We provide     the Brazilian agribusiness,      rust and the current scenario,
            information to our readers,       which is one of the main         and     Fernando      Degobbi
            directly from the source and      foundations of the economy,      (Coopercitrus    Cooperative)
            independently.    Top    news,    as Sylvia Coutinho (UBS Bank)    highlights   the    important
            references and trends on          points out.                      role of the organization for
            agribusiness,  connecting  you       Faced with the generalized    agriculture.
            to the scenarios of the largest   crisis installed by Coronavírus     Mechanization plays a key
            agricultural  pole  in  the  world   (COVID-19),  Rubens Sawaya,   role according to Eduardo
            through articles, interviews,     professor at PUC-SP, describes   Kerbauy     (New      Holland
            research    and    visits   to    about possible macroeconomic     Agriculture),  and    Eduardo
            professionals and institutions    scenarios   and   trends   in    Monteiro (Mosaic Fertilizers)
            in the different sectors of       agribusiness. Aurélio Pavinato   emphasizes in an interview
            agribusiness.                     (SLC Agrícola) talks about       about the high dependence
               In  this  first  edition  Lucílio   the  high  levels  of  agricultural   on imports in the fertilizers
            Alves, professor at ESALQ,        production,   while   Cláudia    sector. With favorable land and


               AgriBrasilis是巴西和拉              长Sylvia  Coutinho(UBS            (E MBR A PA )的Clá ud ia
            丁美洲的农业企业门户,                       Bank)指出的,农业企业                    Godoy博士则阐述了亚洲
            我们直接从源头上独立地向                      是巴西经济的主要基础之                      大豆锈病的历史和当前情
            读者提供信息。我们拥有农                      一。                               况,此外,Coopercitrus合
            业企业的顶级新闻、参考资                        面    对    冠    状    病    毒     作社的执行总裁Fernando
            料和发展趋势分析,通过文                      (COVID-19)造成的普遍                  Degobbi强调了合作社对农
            章、访谈、调研和访问农业                      危机,圣保罗天主教大学                      业的重要性。
            企业不同部门的专业人才与                      (PUC-SP)教授Rubens                    来自New  Holland农业
            机构,将您与世界上最大的                      Sawaya描述了农业企业可                   公司的市场总监Eduardo
            农业极点联系起来。                         能出现的宏观经济形势和                      Kerbauy称,机械化在农业
               在第一版中,圣保罗大                     发展趋势。巴西谷物生产                      上起着关键作用,而美盛肥
            学应用经济学高级研究中心                      商((SLC  Agrícola))首席             料公司的分销总监Eduardo
            (ESALQ)的Lucélio Alves             执行官Aurélio         Pavinato      Monteiro则强调巴西化肥
            教授介绍了巴西农业企业的                      谈到了高水平的农业生                       行业对进口的高度依赖。
            规模,正如巴西瑞银银行行                      产,而巴西农牧研究院                       凭借着有利的土壤和农业气

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