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AgriBrasilis March 2020 05
climate for agriculture, there and AllierBrasil, in the figure the cities of Porto Alegre,
is great interest from foreign of Flávio Hirata, who talks São Paulo and Piracicaba
investors in the acquisition about the long time to obtain (Brazil); Chengdu, Nanjing
of local properties, where the pesticide records. Amit Kumar and Shijiazhuang (China) and
proposed bill is addressed by Mishra, Consul General of Albuquerque (United States).
Camila Assunção (Andrade Foz India in Brazil, highlights the We want to connect you to
Lawyers). bilateral agreements signed Brazilian and Latin American
The interest of foreign between Brazil and India, in an agribusiness.
companies is not restricted interview. In addition, women
only to agricultural areas but stand out in agribusiness, such We appreciate your reading
also to the sectors of inputs, as Téia Fava and Fernanda and suggestions.
such as agrochemicals and Falcão.
fertilizers, where several To facilitate access to Team of contributors
partnerships were developed our content, AgriBrasilis is
through Brasil AgrochemShow published in English, Mandarin, AgriBrasilis
, with the support from CCPIT, Portuguese and Spanish. Our Inside Agribusiness
represented by Ma Chunyan contributors are present in Independent
候,外国投资者对收购巴 Flávio Hirata先生谈到获取 西); 成都、南京和石家庄
西乡村地产产生了浓厚的 农药记录的时间过长。印度 (中国)及阿尔伯克基(美
兴趣,其中拟议的法案由 驻巴西总领事Amit Kumar 国)等城市。
Andrade Foz律师事务所律 Mishra在接受采访时强调 我们希望将您与巴西和拉
师Camila Assunção所提 了巴西和印度签署的双边协 美的农业企业建立联系。
出。 议。此外,妇女在农业企业
外国企业的利益不仅在 中脱颖而出,如Téia Fava 感谢您的阅读和建议!
农业领域受限,而且在农 和Fernanda Falcão这两位
业化学品和化肥等投入品 女性。 贡献团队
领域上也受到限制。在中 为便于读者访问我们的内 AgriBrasilis
国贸促会的支持下,巴西 容,AgriBrasilis以英语、 Inside Agribusiness
农业通过巴西农化展建立 汉语、葡萄牙语和西班牙语 Independent
了若干伙伴关系,以马春 这四种语言出版。相关贡献
燕女士和AllierBrasil农药 人员坐标位于阿雷格里港、
登记咨询公司为代表,其中 圣保罗和皮拉奇卡巴(巴