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AgriBrasilis March 2020 07
Economics at the University of the production chains: Inputs agribusiness, around 70% refers
São Paulo) defines agribusiness (industrial products used in to agricultural agribusiness
as an economic sector with agriculture and livestock), (equivalent to 15% of the
links to agriculture, both Primary (agriculture itself), national GDP) and the other
upstream and downstream, Agroindustry (agricultural or 30% to livestock agriculture
involving: production of inputs livestock-based) and Services (approximately 6.2% of the
for agriculture, production (transportation, storage, trade total Brazilian GDP). However,
of agricultural raw materials, and other services linked over the past 20 years, while
processing of these raw to agricultural and agro- agricultural GDP has declined
materials and distribution industrial activities). at an average rate of 0.19% per
and others services until According to data from year, livestock GDP has shown an
final consumption or export. CEPEA, the Gross Domestic average growth of 2.3% per year.
Agribusiness is divided into Product (GDP) of Brazilian In the agricultural case, even
two branches: agriculture and agribusiness represented with the drop in added income,
livestock. The agricultural 21.2% of the total national production continues growing.
sector corresponds to the set GDP between 2017 and 2019. In the agriculture, grains
of productive activities of crops Between the years 2000 and cereals occupy most of
and other plant and forestry and 2019, the agribusiness the cultivated area in Brazil.
activities. The livestock sector GDP grew at an average rate Considering the first and second
refers to the set of productive 0.45% per year, based on the harvests during the summer,
chains of products of animal equivalent values of December almost 65 million hectares are
origin. Each branch consists 2019. cultivated in Brazil - the second
of four segments, constituting Of the total GDP of harvest is considered a successor
Production of grains and cereals in Brazil, distributed between first and second harvests:
Source: CEPEA
及其他植物和林业活动相对 业、农业工业活动相关的其 平均增长率为0.45%。
应。 畜牧业是指一系列动物 他服务 )。 在农业企业的国内生产总
源性产品的生产链, 每个分 根据CEPE A的数 值中,约有70%指的是农业
支都由四个部分组成,构成 据,2017年至2019年,巴 企业(相当于全国GDP的15
生产链:投入(用于农业和 西农业企业的国内生产总 %),其余30%指的是畜牧
畜牧业的工业品),初级( 值(GDP)占全国GDP的 业(约占巴西国内生产总值
农业本身),农业工业(基 21.2%;2000年至2019 的6.2%)。 然而,在过去的
于农业或畜牧业)以及服务 年,按2019年12月的等值 20年里,虽然农业GDP每年
(运输,仓储,贸易和与农 计算,农业企业的GDP年 平均下降0.19%,但畜牧业