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06                                                              March 2020        AgriBrasilis

                Brazilian agriculture feeds the world

                             Article by Lucílio Rogério Aparecido Alves, Professor at ESALQ/USP

               Lucílio Rogério Aparecido
            Alves has a degree in Economic
            Sciences    from   the   State
            University  of  Western  Paraná,
            a master’s and doctorate from
            the ‘Luiz de Queiroz’ College of
            Agriculture at the University
            of São Paulo. He is currently a
            professor in the Department
            of Economics, Administration
            and Sociology at ESALQ, is a
            researcher at the Center for
            Advanced Studies in Applied
            Economics (CEPEA / ESALQ /
            USP), and wrote this article to

               Brazilian agriculture, which
            involves the agricultural and      Professor Lucilio Alves, researcher responsible for the Grains, Fibers and
            livestock sectors, has shown                                     Roots Teams at CEPEA - ESALQ / USP
            an    interesting   dynamism       Lucilio Alves教授,应用经济学高级研究中心负责谷物、纤维和根系团
            over the years, increasing the                                                        队的研究员
            production. This is the result
            of  greater  yield,  reflecting   national  and    international   stability and reduction in
            technological advances in the     demand has been absorbing the    inequality.
            fields - in the forms of genetics,   Brazilian supply, sustained by   Greater supply in the farms
            agrichemical and machinery,       the world economy expansion,     also contributes to boost
            which      enabled     greater    on the one hand, and by the      agribusiness as a whole. CEPEA
            production even at decreasing     strengthening of the domestic    (‘Luiz de Queiroz’ College
            prices - a context observed at a   market, on the other, favored   of  Agriculture   Center   for
            global level. At the same time,   by the country’s economic        Advanced Studies in Applied

                               文章由圣保罗大学Lucílio Rogério Aparecido Alves教授所著

               Lucílio           Rogério     展示出吸引眼球的活力,并                      平衡的减少。
            Aparecido        Alves拥有西        且农业产量有所增加。这源                        农场供应的增加在整体
            巴拉纳州立大学的经济学                      于单产的提高,且这反映了                      上也有助于促进农业企业的
            学位,以及圣保罗大学路                      农业技术的进步,譬如在遗                      发展。CEPEA(圣保罗大学
            易斯•德•奎罗斯农业学院                     传学,农业化学和机械方面                      路易斯•德•奎罗斯农业学院
            (ESALQ)的硕士学位和博                   的进步。所以即使价格不断                      应用经济学高级研究中心)
            士学位,目前担任ESALQ大                   下跌,也能实现更高的产                       将农业企业定义为与上游和
            学经济系,行政系和社会学                     量——这是在全球范围内所                      下游农业都有联系的行业,
            系教授及应用经济学高级研                     观察到的情况。同时,巴西                      这涉及:农业投入品生产,
            究中心(CEPEA  /  ESALQ              国内和国际的粮食需求一直                      农业原材料生产,原材料加
            /     USP)的研究员。他为                由巴西供给着,一方面是因                      工、分配及其他服务,直到
            AgriBrasilis撰写了这篇文               为世界经济的扩张,另一方                      最后的消费或出口。农业企
            章。      巴西农业涵盖了农业                面则是因为巴西国内市场的                      业有两个分支:农业和畜牧
            和畜牧业,多年来巴西农业                     加强、经济的稳定和发展不                      业。      农业与农作物的生产
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