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2.  I worked with campuses to encourage the use of funds for incentives. Coordinated with schools
                    to conduct January check-in meetings.

               3.  Law cases reviewed to share current case law to be aware of for increasing implementation of
                    legal mandates or avoiding pitfalls.

               Upcoming Onsite Departmental Professional Development:

               1.  Using Differentiated Instruction in the Secondary Classroom: Practical and Realistic Strategies
                    to Use with the Whole Class (Grades 6-12)

               2.  Restorative Practices in the Classroom: Powerful Strategies that Build Better Relationships and
                    Manage Student Behavior More Effectively

               3.  Powerful Intervention Strategies to Accelerate the Reading and Writing Achievement of Your
                    Struggling Students and At-Risk Groups

               4.  Building the Skill and Confidence Levels of Your Struggling Math Students (Grades 6-12)

               5.  Strengthen Your Special Needs Students' EXECUTIVE FUNCTION SKILLS: Reduce
                    Impulsive Behaviors, Increase Focus and Develop Working Memory

               Upcoming School/Program visits

               1.  Glenbard School District- Focus of school visit is the community transition program and ELL
                    program- March 18, 2020

               2.  Maine East - Focus of school visit is the School-based health program and special education
                    inclusion - March 31, 2020

               3.  Lansing School visit - special education and school-based health center- Date TBD

                Information Technology

                The Sprint 1 Million Device phone distribution continues to go well. As of the end of February,
                following devices were distributed:

                RC = 362            RE = 290              RS = 333

                Additional communication is ongoing about this very beneficial program.

                The 1:1 device initiative started with a pilot at Rich South. Students with signed parental
                agreements in Ms. Hughes's class received a Chromebook. As parents complete and return the
                necessary forms, additional distributions will occur. The goal is to have all freshmen at Rich
                South with a device. Additional updates will be provided in future reports.


                                            EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER/EDUCATOR
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97