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6.  Youth Hiring Event - In partnership with Congresswoman Robin Kelly, our 2nd Youth Job
                    Expo will take place on Saturday; April 25 at the Rich South Campus 227 from 9:00 am –
                    12:00 pm.  Career readiness training will be made available to prepare our students for the
                    interview process on Wednesday; April 22. Students will also have the opportunity to
                    interview for summer employment opportunities from employers, which can lead to
                    permanent employment.

               From The Director of Student Support Services

               1.  Collaborated with Crisis Prevention Institute to bring a non-violence de-escalation trainer
                    onsite in the district. During this we had the following positions trained to ensure compliance
                    with the state mandate for restraint policy:
                        •  Principals
                        •  Assistant Principal of Operations
                        •  Climate and Culture
                        •  Division Leader for Student Support Services
                        •  Security

               2.  Collaborated with the National Institute of Mental Health to provide onsite supports for
                    students exposed to Trauma. The following individuals attended the training:
                        •  Social Workers
                        •  Counselors
                        •  Behavior Specialist
                        •  Deans

               3.  Working with Alyssa’s Mission to identify Social-emotional supports for students across the
                    district. We are looking to develop some systems and protocols that are embedded within the
                    school. They will assist us with free PD and conversations with students and teachers.

               4.  Collaborated with Advocate Health Systems to continue the development and work for the
                    school-based health systems. We were able to discuss the importance of the service being
                    onsite and it is something that is needed for our students' holistic support and progress.

               5.  Collaborated with Advocate Children’s to schedule additional dates for the care mobile van to
                    come onsite for physicals and immunizations in an effort to increase the district’s medical

               6.  In collaboration with the Illinois Department of Public Health, our nurses can now access the
                    state immunization system to review student’s immunization records despite the documents
                    that they have submitted. This will assist us with medical compliance.

               7.  Facilitated the special populations' committee meetings consisting of teachers and
                    administrators. I also contacted parents and students to be a part of the committee


                                            EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER/EDUCATOR
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