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8.  Attended and facilitated parent meetings to address parent complaints at various campuses.
                    Follow-up and check in with parents to see how things are going.
               -    Collaborated with the legal team regarding student complaint that was submitted to ISBE
                    regarding a student with IEP at Rich Central.
               -    Collaborated with the legal team regarding student complaints that the parent reported that she
                    submitted a complaint to ISBE.

               9.  Consulted with the legal team regarding recommendations of high-profile situations around
                    the district and students referred for administrative council.

               10.  Worked with Assistant Superintendent’s and legal to solidify additional staffing agencies to
                    support with our hard to fill positions such as psychologist and speech pathologist.

               Special Education

               1.  Collaborated with LRP to present a webinar for prior written notice requirements for students
                    with IEPs and 504s. The following attended this training:
               •    Social workers
               •    Division Leader of Student Support Services
               •    Student Support Services Campus Secretary
               •    Student Support Services District Secretary

               2.  Collaborated with Dr. Evans to identify the parameters that we will be able to operate within
                    for the community-based transition house. I also met with the current transition team to begin
                    to brainstorm ideas that they envision for the program as well. I have a meeting set up with a
                    developer for a property in Butterfield Plaza in Olympia Fields.  Submitted an amendment to
                    the IDEA grant.

               English Learners (Emergent Bilingual)

               1.  Completed the state-mandated ACCESS testing.

               2.  Ordered bilingual dictionaries to support instruction and improve test scores that may have
                    been impacted because of vocabulary.


               1.  Collaborated with the Naviance trainer to design an action plan to support counselors with
                    their tasks and processes for the district.

               Climate & Culture/MTSS

               1.  Coordinated a collaborative meeting with the climate and culture, MTSS, and SEL coach from
                    STAR Academy. We reviewed behavior data and began to determine what types of supports
                    may be needed.


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