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P. 190

  Look into cooling tower operation and maintenance

               Transition House

                    Met with Special Education department on site to review space. We will be meeting on
                      Thursday October 1, 2020 to discuss over responsibilities with the construction manager
                    Will be meeting with Frank Cooney rep regarding furniture to be relocated to the transition
                      house from Rich East campus
                    Reviewing with IT regarding entrance access and security
               General updates

                    Getting acclimated with facilities and staff. Arranging meet and greets with department
                    Working with Human resources regarding setting up interviews to fill open positions
                    Working with vendors for future upgrades: district phones, security cameras, alarms, card
                      readers, and rekeying systems
                    Working on completing transition of Rich East closing
                    Working completion on Locker painting project at Stem and FAC

               Financial Audit

               The fieldwork portion of the audit, which is occurring virtually began September 28, 2020 and is
               ongoing. This year the single audit selection includes the nutrition program and IDEA grants. The
               CAFR will be based on the June 30, 2020 financial data and this process of creating the CAFR is on

               Outstanding Checks

               Periodically, the business office receives a list of outstanding checks, which are checks that were
               approved by the Board and sent to vendors or individuals, but not cashed. It has been determined that
               the funds are due to the vendor; therefore, we must make every effort to pay the vendor even of the
               check has not been cashed within a certain time. The business office contacts the vendors or individuals
               by mail to find out if they still have the check or if another check needs to be reissued.  If the check is
               reissued in the same year, the associated debits and credits will net to zero. However, when the reissued
               check is done in a different fiscal year, a new voucher must be created in the New Year. Once the Board
               has approved the payment in the past, another approval is not needed, since the offsetting credit is also
               not approved. This month there is a check that must be reissued in the amount $2,578. It will not be
               included in the vouchers totals because it was approved last fiscal year in February 2020.
                Enrollment Update

                                         Rich Township High School District 227
                                         Comparative Enrollment Data
                                         As of 10-Day Drop Period (October)

                                                               School Year
                                         CAMPUS           2019           2020
                                         STEM                    1,062          1,284
                                         FAC                         883          1,384  *
                                         RICH EAST                   862              -
                                             TOTAL               2,807          2,668
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