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In an effort to improve our existing courses, teachers are creating Exit Exams with rubrics for Level I
and Level II Visual and Performing Arts Classes to guide the sequence of study for each pathway
before the end of the year.
Recruitment Targets:
• The district has filled 78% of the allocated 100 ninth grade seats; 70% of the allocated 100
tenth grades seats are filled. A physical education and a second math teachers still needs to be
Curriculum Projects
• Middle Years Program teacher team will complete NEW Unit curriculum Project Phase I (end
June1) and Phase II (end August 1)
Summer Program
The district will host a Middle Years Programme summer program. It will be held for three weeks and
will run June 14 – July 1 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. It will serve approximately 100 students.
Students will take a reading and math diagnostic, and the following topics will be covered the MYP
Framework and post- secondary preparation.
International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Leadership Collaborative with Feeder
The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme Leadership Collaborative include the
following districts: District 159, District 160, District 163 and District 227. The first two meeting
were held March 9, 2021, and April 1, 2021. The Fine Arts & IB Director attended District 160 board
meeting March 16
• Application for candidacy has been opened for Rich Township High School District 227 on the
International Baccalaureate Organization website.
• Teachers will be identified for curriculum writing April 2021
• Teachers will receive training June 2021
Special Education
In collaboration with various other operations administrators including the Assistant Superintendent of
Business and Operations, collaborated with the owner and manager of the Life Skills Property to
complete construction, prepare for inspections, and lease amendments. The required plumbing