Page 13 - FIN435 RHB vs BPMB
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                       1.  PROFITABILITY RATIO

                   Return On Asset (ROA)

                   It  shows  how  capable  the  management  of  the  bank  has  been  in  converting  the
                   institution’s assets into net earnings, The Return on Asset of RHB Bank Berhad Vs
                   Public Bank for the period basis for the year of 2018 indicates that Public Bank has

                   better  Return  On  Asset  (ROA)  which  is  1.37%  compare  to  RHB  Bank  which  only
                   record 0.95%. It shows that Public Bank generate it profits from total asset better than

                   RHB Bank.

                   Return On Equity

                   The  Return  On  Equity  (ROE)  measures  the  rate  return  of  flowing  of  income  to  the

                   bank shareholders. Based on record Public Bank shows better ROE which is 12.90%
                   compare to RHB which only 2.22%. It can be  concluded that Public Bank generate
                   better profits from its shareholders investment compared to RHB Bank. This ratio also

                   derived from Return On Asset Ratio which Public Bank record better ratio than RHB

                   Interest Spread Ratio

                   The  net  interest  rate  spread  is  the  difference  between  the  average  yield  that  a
                   financial institution receives from loans along with other interest accruing activities and

                   the average rate it pays on deposits and borrowings. The net interest spread ratio for
                   RHB  Bank for  the  year 2018  is  2%  which  indicates higher  net  interest spread ratio
                   compared to Public Bank in that accumulate lower percentage of 1.84% in 2018.

                       2.  LIQUIDITY RATIO: LOAN TO ASSET RATIO

                   Loan on Asset Ratio (LOA) is the ratio used to demonstrate the ability of banks to meet
                   the demand for loans by using the total assets owned by banks. Based on the data,
                   Public Bank has higher Loan on Asset Ratio which is 74.65% compared to 68.11% by

                   RHB Bank. This shows that Public Bank has better the credit performance level than
                   RHB Bank, but at the same time it may face high liquidity risk which may lead to low of
                   liquidity such as not having sufficient of cash and borrowing capacity to loan demand.

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