Page 10 - 6 Things
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Make sure you’re crystal clear on your
mission and vision. When it comes to
raising money, you’ll find that donors
and funders are looking to you to both
convince them there’s a need and
assure them that your organization is
the one to meet it.
Outline between one and three goals
for your organization’s first year, and
then fundraise specifically for those
things. Write your case for support,
outlining who your organization is, what
you’re focused on, and what you’re
fundraising for. Include information
from your needs analysis, and present
the ways in which your organization will
directly address the issues.
Think about your evaluation metrics
here, too, and build in milestones for
your work. You won’t solve hunger this
year, but can you feed 100 families in
your community by March? Or provide
tutoring to 25 young people in their
own schools this year, before opening
your own study center next year?