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Technology (continued)               objective questions, 193, 206–209  Tutoring, 72
           learned optimism in, 13–15, 216,   preparation for, 192–197, 207   Twitter, 308
             319–320                          study strategies, 195–196       2Kool, 90–91
           problem solving and, 96–98         study time, 197                 Typology, 59–60
           thinking skills in, 7–9            subjective questions, 193, 206, 209–214
           wheel of, 24–25, 322–323           test anxiety, 198–202           Unconstructive criticism, 232
         Suicide, 254                         test day strategies, 200, 202–203  Understanding, in listening process, 142,
         Summaries, of reading material, 183–184  test types, 193, 206–214        144
         Supplemental instruction, 169        time management, 197, 202–203, 210  U.S. Department of Education, 285–286
         Support system                     Text tabs, 118                    U.S. Employment Opportunities, 310
           need-specif c off ces, 308       Themes, 87, 124
           for note-taking, 146             Thinker personality dimension, 61, 63, 64,   VAK/VARK questionnaire, 59
           for study, 168–169, 178              66, 67, 229, 303              Values, 28–30
           support groups, 168–169, 262     Thinking skills, 79–105             developing and changing, 29
         Surveying, in SQ3R reading strategy,   analytical/critical. See Analytical/critical   exploring, 29
             112–114                            thinking skills                 life experience and, 29–30
         Switchtasking, 44–46, 142            assessing, 23–24, 80, 322–323     in personal mission, 31
         Syllabus, 109, 193                   balance in, 98–101                sources of, 28
                                              creative. See Creative thinking skills  Verbal-linguistic intelligence, 57, 60, 66,
         Tables, in note-taking, 154          in goal management, 7–9             69, 113, 147, 177, 207, 231, 248,
         Tasks, long-term goals and, 39       higher-level, 4                     280, 302
         Taylor, William M., 11–12, 12n       metacognition, 54               Verbal signposts, 143
         Teaching styles, 63–65, 145–148, 150  nature of thinking, 81–82      Virtual meetings, 234
         Teamwork                             practical. See Practical thinking skills  Visual aids
           collaboration skills, 90, 234      problem solving, 96–98            presentation, 235
           conf ict management, 238–240       questioning, 80–82                in reading process, 125
           in creativity, 90                  of successful intelligence, 7     visual images as mnemonic devices,
           goals, 234                       Think links, 75–77, 152–153           180, 181
           leadership skills, 234 , 279                   Visual-spatial intelligence, 57, 60, 66, 69,
           meetings, 234                    Time alone, in creativity, 89         113, 147, 154–155, 177, 207, 231,
           personality and, 68              Time frame, in SMART goals, 33        248, 280, 302
           study groups, 168–169, 178       Timelines, in note-taking, 154    Vocabulary
         Technology                         Time management, 4, 35–46           credit/debit card, 289
           academic integrity and, 11–13, 204  calendars, 40                    dictionary in developing, 111
           assistive technology devices, 144  f nancial literacy, 276           expanding course, 111
           in budgeting process, 277, 279     goals, 33, 39                   Vocational Preference Inventory
           communication, 236–237             limit setting, 43–44                (VPI), 301
           dangers online, 236–237, 289–290,   multitasking myth, 44–46, 142  Volunteering, 305
             308, 309                         needs assessment, 36
           digital revolution, 4              planners, 37, 194               Wants, needs versus, 275–276
           identity theft, 289–290            preferences, 35, 42             Wellness, 245–271
           information literacy, 126–130      priorities, 37, 39–40             addiction, 257, 262
           information search, 127            procrastination, 42–43, 315       alcohol use, 253, 257, 259,
           Internet searches, 127–130, 309–310  schedules, 35, 37–39, 40–41, 42, 194,   262, 266
           machine-scored tests, 202            234                             drug use, 259–261, 262, 266
           in note-taking process, 155        in stress management, 41          sexual assault, 266–268
           personality and, 67–68             study skill, 110, 167–168, 172, 194  sexual decisions, 262–268
           phishing scams, 289                in taking tests, 197, 202–203, 210  stress management, 246–256
           reading online materials, 125–126  test preparation, 197             tobacco use, 257–259, 260
           study group use, 169               in test taking, 197             Westside Test Anxiety Scale, 201
           in study process, 175              time traps, 42–46               “What if” questions, 91
           taking control of, 110             to-do lists, 39–40              Wheel of successful intelligence, 24–25,
           21st century skills, 5, 6        Time traps, 42–46                     322–323
         Test anxiety, 198–202              Timm, Paul, 37                    Working at school, 282–283, 305
           assessing, 201                   T-note format, 151–152            Wozniak, Steve, 89
           math anxiety, 200                Tobacco use, 257–259, 260         WriteCheck, 11
           returning student, 200–202       To-do lists, 39–40                Writing skills
           sources, 198–199                 Topic sentence, 118                 job search cover letter, 310–312
           test time strategies, 200        Torres, Bimmer, 91                  in mathematics and science, 123
         Test taking, 191–219. See also Assessment  Transferable skills, 305    résumé, 310–312, 313
           academic integrity, 203–205      TransUnion, 291                     as study skill, 123, 173–174
           assessing, 192                   Trelease, Jim, 317                  for test anxiety, 200
           essay exams, 193, 209–214        True-or-false questions, 208
           f nal exams, 197                 Trust, 10                         Yahoo!, 129
           information gathering, 193, 11                  Yuen, Lenora, 43

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