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Rape, 266–268                       to reach goals, 2–3              Smoking, 257–259, 260
               Rape and Incest National Network    rewards of, 1–6                  Social networking, 308, 309
                   (RAINN), 268                  Robinson, Adam, 130–131, 176       Social sciences, reading strategies for, 124
               Reacting stage of listening, 141  Rosenthal, Norman, 95              Sok, Ratha, 91
               Reading comprehension, 108–112    Rote rehearsal, 165                Soloway, Eliot, 129
                 active and positive approach, 109–110                              Songs, as mnemonic devices, 182–183
                 def ning reading purpose, 109   Safety strategies, 237, 266        SoundNote, 155
                 learning to concentrate, 110–111  Salovey, Peter, 15, 16n          Specialization. See Major or concentration
                 organizing study area, 110      SAVE (Suicide Awareness Voices of   Specif c SMART goals, 32, 33
                 in SQ3R reading strategy, 118–121   Education), 254                Speech and language disorders, 144
                 vocabulary expansion, 111       Savings, 276, 293–295              Spirituality, 318
               Reading skills, 107–137           Savings accounts, 293              SQ3R reading strategy, 110, 112–123
                 active reading, 109–110         Scanning                             memory and, 183
                 assessing, 108                    def ned, 112                       note-taking skills, 148
                 critical response, 130–133        in reading, 112                    online materials and, 126
                 information literacy, 126–130   Schedules                            in test taking, 196
                 lifelong learning, 317            building, 37–39                  Staff, connections with, 4
                 note-taking, 148, 184–186, 196    ideal, 35                        Stamina, 35
                 online materials, 125–126         managing, 40–41                  Statement of fact, 84
                 primary versus secondary sources, 110  mismatches, 42              Statement of opinion, 84
                 reading comprehension, 108–112    teamwork, 234                    Stereotypes, 224–225
                 SQ3R reading strategy, 110, 112–123,   test preparation, 194       Sternberg, Robert, 6–7, 7–9, 20, 56, 101
                   126, 148, 183, 196            Scholarships, 283, 285, 286        Street smarts. See Practical thinking skills
                 strategies for specif c subjects, 123–125  Schwarz, Barry, 95      Stress management, 246–256
                 summarizing reading material, 183–184  Schwarz, Tony, 46             assessing stress, 256
               Realistic SMART goals, 33         Science                              diet and nutrition, 247–250
               Reciting                            note-taking skills, 150            exercise, 250–252
                 in SQ3R reading strategy, 121     reading strategies for, 123        memory and, 172
                 as study skill, 173–174, 184      study strategies for, 178–179      mental health issues, 253–256
               Recording ideas, 90               Search engines, 129, 130             mindfulness meditation, 252
               References, personal, 312         Secondary sources, 110               multiple intelligences, 247, 248
               Rehearsal, as study skill, 173–174  Secondhand smoke, 258              sleep, 41, 252–253
               Relaxation, at test time, 200     Self-activators, 315, 316            stress, def ned, 41, 246
               Research skills                   Self-conf dence, 317                 time management in, 41
                 information literacy, 126–130   Self-Directed Search (SDS), 301    Student loans, 284, 285–287
                 Internet searches, 127–130, 309–310  Self-esteem, 10               Study groups, 168–169, 178
                 library research, 110, 126–127  Self-knowledge, 63–71              Study sheets, 186, 197
                 primary versus secondary sources, 110  classroom choices, 63–65    Study skills, 66, 167–177. See also
               Respect, 10, 234                    study choices, 65–67                 Reading comprehension
               Responsibility                      technology choices, 67–68          assessing, 164
                 academic integrity and, 10        workplace choices, 68–71           assistance with, 72
                 accepting fair blame, 315       Self-management skills, 28           audio f ash cards, 175
                 in growth mindset, 10           Seligman, Martin, 13–15              choosing the right setting, 110
               Rest, 172                         Sensing stage of listening, 141      evaluating study materials, 169–171
               Résumés, 310–312, 313             Sensory registers, 165               learning preferences, 176, 178–179
               Retirement saving, 293–295        Service learning, 305                learning to concentrate, 110–111
               Reviewing                         Sexual activity, 262–268             memory, 167–177, 196
                 as memory strategy, 166, 178      birth control, 263, 264            personality and study methods, 65–67
                 in note-taking process, 146       personal safety strategies, 266–268  study strategies, 171–177, 196
                 in SQ3R reading strategy, 121–123  sexually transmitted infections (STIs),   support system, 168–169, 178
                 as study skill, 173–174, 186, 193,   262, 263–266                    test preparation, 192–197, 207
                   195–196                       Sexual assault, 266–268              thinking skills, 173, 184–186
                 for test taking, 193, 195–196, 215  Sexually transmitted infections (STIs),   timing of study, 110, 167–168, 172,
               Revision                              262, 263–266                       194
                 in note-taking process, 146     Sheridan, Richard, 43              Subjective test questions, 193, 206,
                 in test taking, 210–211, 212    Shorthand, note-taking, 156–158        209–214
               Rewards, 1–6, 39, 41. See also College   Short-term goals, 32        Substance use, 257–262
                   risks and rewards             Short-term memory, 165               addiction, 257, 262
               Rhymes, as mnemonic devices, 182–183  Skills, 57, 60, 318              alcohol, 253, 257, 259, 262, 266
               RIASEC (Realistic, Investigative,   Skillset, 305                      evaluating, 261
                   Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and   Skimming, 112              Successful intelligence, 6–9
                   Conventional), 301            Sleep, 41, 172, 197, 252–253         activating, 314–320
               Risk-taking. See also College risks and   deprivation, 198, 254        assessing, 80
                   rewards                       SMART goals, 32–35                   def ned, 7
                 assessing readiness, 2            characteristics of, 33             emotional intelligence in, 15–17
                 in career and life success, 17–19  steps in developing, 33–35        growth mindset in, 9–15
                 in creative thinking, 89, 91–92   for test taking, 194–195           integrity in, 10–13

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