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in budgeting process, 277–278    Goal management, 30–35             Imagination, 180
         Experian, 291                        in building schedules, 37–39     “I” messages, 238
         Explanatory style, 13–15             in career success, 4–6           Immunizations, 266
         Exploration, in creativity, 89       goals, def ned, 30               Impulse control, 257, 314
         External distractions, 142           linking tasks to goals, 39       Income. See also Budgeting; Financial aid
                                              long-term, 31–32, 39               adjusting, 278–279
         Facebook, 266, 308                   personal mission, 30–31            in budgeting process, 277–278
         Facts                                risk-taking for, 2–3               increasing, 279–287
           opinions versus, 84                short-term, 32                     as reward of college, 4, 5
           statement of, 84                   SMART goals, 32–35, 194–195      Independence, 315
           in taking tests, 202               for study, 170                   Independent learning, 3
         Faculty. See Instructors             study group, 169                 Individualized education program (IEP), 72
         Failure, learned optimism and, 13–15, 216  study material, 170–171    Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs),
         Fairness, 10                         successful intelligence and, 6–9     294, 295
         Family obligations, 110, 169, 170    teamwork, 234                    INFOMINE, 129, 286                     test preparation, 194–195        Informal outlines, 150, 151
         Fatigue, 42                          thinking skills in, 7–9          Information
         Feelings. See Emotions               values in, 28–30                   determining useful, 86
         FICO (Fair Isaac Company) scores,    working toward goals, 33–35        using in study process, 176
             290–291                        Golden Personality Assessment, 63  Informational interviews, 308–309
         Fill-in-the-blank questions, 209   Google, 126, 129                   Information gathering, 82–83, 193
         Final exams, 197                   GoogleDocs, 68, 155                Information literacy, 126–130
         Financial aid, 283–287             Government aid, 285–286              critical response to reading, 130–133
           applying for, 286–287            Grants, 283, 284, 285                information gathering in test
           award letters, 286               Griff n, Ricky W., 119n                preparation, 193
           looking for, 285–286             Growth mindset, 9–15, 19             library research, 110, 126–127
           types, 283, 284–286                academic integrity and, 10–13      mapping out possibilities, 126–127
         Financial literacy, 273–297          assessments in, 55                 online research, 126–130, 309–310
           benef ts of college education, 4, 5  explanatory style, 13–15       Information processing model of memory,
           budgeting, 276–279                 lifelong learning, 317–319           164–166
           credit and debit cards, 287–292    optimism in, 13–15, 319–320      InfoTrac, 129
           f nancial aid, 283–287             self-esteem and, 10              Instructors
           meaning of money, 274–276        Guided notes, 150                    academic integrity and, 11, 12
           money management skills in, 274–276  Gurevich, M., 256n               asking for help, 43, 64–65, 110, 144, 193
           multiple intelligences, 279, 280                                      connections with, 4
           perceiving and using money, 275  Hallucinogenic mushrooms, 260        teaching styles, 63–65, 145–148, 150
           planning for the future, 293–295  Hammil, Greg, 230n                  test taking and, 193, 215
           savings, 276, 293–295            Harris, Robert, 132, 133n          Integrity. See Academic integrity
           time management, 276             Hashish, 260                       Intelligences. See also Emotional
           working at school, 282–283, 305  Hate crimes, 226, 228                  intelligence (EI); Multiple
         Flash cards, 175                   Health. See Mental and emotional health;   intelligences (MI); Successful
         Flexibility, 41, 42, 43                Physical health; Wellness          intelligence
         Flowcharts, 154–155                Hearing loss, 144                    def ned, 56
         Focus, 44–46, 110, 142, 143        Hearing stage of listening, 140, 141  intelligence quotient (IQ), 6–7
         Formal outlines, 150               Help                               Intention, of study, 171–172
         Formulas                             asking for, 43, 64–65, 110, 144, 193  Interests, 304
           def ned, 123                       offering, 227–228                Intergenerational awareness, 230–232, 317
           in reading process, 123          Henson, Jim, 90–91                 Internal distractions, 110, 142
         F-pattern reading, 126             Heroin, 260                        International Center for Academic
         Framework for 21st Century Learning,   Hertz, Mary Beth, 126              Integrity (ICAI), 10
             5, 6                           Hidden job market, 308–309         Internet searches, 127–130, 309–310
         Free Application for Federal Student Aid   Highlighting, 118–121, 126  Internships, 68–71, 305
             (FAFSA), 285–286               Hippocrates, 59                    Interpersonal intelligence, 57, 60, 66, 69,
         Friedman, Thomas, 4                Hits, 127, 129                         113, 147, 177, 207, 231, 248, 280,
         Front matter, surveying, 114       HIV/AIDS, 263–266                      302
         Fry, Ron, 195n                     Holland, John, 301                 Interpreting stage of listening, 141, 310                Holland Theory, 301                Interruptions, 234
                                            Honesty, 10, 234                   Interviews
         GaleGroup, 129                     HPV (human papillomavirus), 266      informational, 308–309
         Gamma hydroxyl butyrate, 260       Humanities, reading strategies for, 124  in job search, 308–309, 312–314
         Gardner, Howard, 55, 56–60         Hunter, William, 80–81             Intrapersonal intelligence, 57, 60, 66,
         General education requirements, 123                                       69, 113, 147, 177, 207, 231,
         Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), 255  I-can-do-it attitude, 143        248, 280, 302
         Gibson, Jennifer, 89               Ideas. See also Creative thinking skills
         Giver personality dimension, 61, 63, 64,   going against established, 91  Jacobs, Gregg D., 253
             67, 229, 303                     recording, 90                    JobBankUSA, 310
         Glue, 260                          Identity theft, 289–290            Job listing websites, 310

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