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Jobs, Steve, 89 rush to judgment, 143–144 Mind maps, 75–77, 152–153
Job search, 307–314 stages of listening, 140–141 Mindset
cover letters, 310–312 List order acronyms, 182 def ned, 9
interviews, 308–309, 312–314 Literature, reading strategies for, 124–125 growth, 9–15, 19, 55, 317–320
organized, consistent strategy, 310 Livescribe, 155 open mindedness, 110, 144
resources for, 308–310 Loans, student, 284, 285–287, 279
résumés, 310–312, 313 Locations Mirror neurons, 15
Johnson, Ben E., 84n for maximum focus, 110 Mission statement, 31
Jung, Carl G., 60, 63 mnemonic devices, 180 Mistakes
for study, 110, 168 acceptance of, 89
Keirsey, David, 61 for taking tests, 202 in creative thinking, 89
Keirsey Sorter, 61 Locus of control, 9 learned optimism and, 13–15, 319–320
Ketamine, 260 Logical-mathematical intelligence, 57, 60, learning from, 214–216
Keyword searches 66, 69, 113, 147, 177, 207, 231, 248, Mnemonic devices, 123, 179, 180–183
research process, 127, 128 280, 302 acronyms, 182
résumé, 312 Long-term goals, 31–32, 39 associations, 180
Kilmark, Connie, 275 Long-term memory, 165, 166 method of loci, 180–182
Kinesthetic intelligence. See Bodily- Lyman, Frank T., Jr., 104n rhymes, 182–183
kinesthetic intelligence Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 260 songs, 182–183
Knowledge work, 4 in test taking, 196
Kohn, P. M., 256n Macionis, John J., 135n visual images, 180, 181
Kuo, Tracy, 253 Maier, Fran, 238n Money market accounts, 293
Maisto, Albert A., 115n, 208–210n, 310
Lafreniere, K., 256n Major or concentration Morris, Charles G., 115n, 208–210n
LD Online, 71 def ned, 33 Motivation, 9–15, 314
Leadership skills exploring, 304 Motivators, 9
study group, 169 multiple intelligences, 69 Multiple-choice questions, 206–208
teamwork, 234 Marijuana, 260 Multiple intelligences (MI), 55, 56–60
Learned optimism, 13–15, 319–320 Master note sets, 184–186 abilities and skills, 57, 60
Learning disabilities, 71–75, 144 combining class and reading notes, career success, 301, 302
identifying, 71 184–186, 196 communication styles, 230, 231
managing, 71–75 summary of reading material in, 183–184 eight intelligences, 57–59
recognizing, 72 Matching questions, 209 f nancial literacy, 279, 280
Learning for life, 18 Math anxiety, 200 majors and internships, 69
Learning preferences, 53–63 Mathematics. See also Financial literacy memory, 177
assessing, 54–55, 56–63 math anxiety, 200 note-taking skills, 147
def ned, 54 reading strategies for, 123 reading, 113
listening skills, 146 study strategies for, 178–179 stress management, 247, 248
memory and, 178–179 test taking, 203, 204 study techniques, 66
multiple intelligences, 55, 56–60 Mayer, John D., 15, 16n test preparation, 207
in note-taking process, 146, 150 Mayo Clinic, 264n Multiple Pathways to Learning, 55, 56–60
personality, 55 Measurable SMART goals, 32, 33 Multitasking, 44–46, 142
study strategies and, 176, 178–179 Medical care, addiction and, 262 Murphy, Bruce Allen, 185n
technology choice, 67–68 Medina, John, 45 Musical-rhythmic intelligence, 57, 60, 66,
in test taking, 196 Meditation, 252 69, 113, 147, 177, 207, 231, 248,
understanding, 73 Meetings, 234 280, 302
LexusNexus, 129 Memory skills, 163–189 Myers, Isabel Briggs, 61
Librarian’s Index to the Internet, 129 assessing, 164 Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 61, 63
Library research, 110, 126–127 cramming, 197, 253 MySpace, 266
Life experience, values in, 29–30 how memory works, 164–166
Lifelong learning, 317–319 mnemonic devices, 123, 179, 180–183, Nader, Karim, 166
Life success, 17–19 196 Naps, 253
Limit setting, 43–44 reasons for forgetting, 166–167 Narcotics Anonymous (NA), 262
Lindley, Carolyn, 286 in study skills, 167–177, 196 National Center for Learning Disabilities
LinkedIn, 308, 309 Meningococcal meningitis vaccine, 266 (NCLD), 71–72
Listening skills, 140–145 Mental and emotional health, 253–256 National Council for the Social Studies, 124
active listening, 141–142 anxiety disorders, 255 National Foundation for Credit
assessing, 140 depression, 253–255 Counseling, 290
distractions, 142 eating disorders, 255–256 Naturalistic intelligence, 57, 60, 66, 69, 113,
hearing loss, 144 mindfulness meditation, 252 147, 177, 207, 231, 248, 280, 302
knowledge of communication style, substance use, 257–262 Needs
229–230 Metacognition, 54 in juggling work at school, 282–283
lapses, 142–143 Methamphetamine, 260 in time management, 36
learning disabilities, 144 Method of loci, 180–182 wants versus, 275–276
learning preferences, 146 Meyer, David, 45 Networking, 308–309
listening, def ned, 140 Michalko, Michael, 89 Neuroscience
during meetings, 234 Mindfulness meditation, 252 brain studies of neuropathways, 55
Index 343