Page 377 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 377
6. Dickler, Jessica. CNN Money, June 10, 2009. Accessed 9. List and descriptions based Sternberg, pp. 251–269.
on October 1, 2011, from http://money 10. Quoted in Weeks, Linton. “The No-Book Report: Skim
06/09/news/economy/ hidden_jobs It and Weep.” The Washington Post, May 14, 2001,
7. Adams, Susan. “Get a Job Using the Hidden Job Mar- p. C8.
ket.” Forbes, July 5, 2011. Accessed on October 1,
2011, from
2011/07/ 05/get-a-job-using-the- hidden-job-market APPENDIX
8. Job Interview and Career Guide. “Resume: Keywords 1. Analysis based on Troyka, Lynn Quitman. Simon &
for Resumes—Keywords List.” December 8, 2009. Schuster Handbook for Writers. Upper Saddle River,
From NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996, pp. 22–23.
Endnotes 339