Page 378 - Keys To Community College Success
P. 378
Note: Bold page numbers indicate Anger management, 240 executive function, 81
definitions in margins; “ n” indicates Annotation, 118 neuropathways, 55
material in a note. Anorexia nervosa, 255 Braingaming, 90
Anxiety disorders, 255 Brainstorming, 90
Aaker, Barbara, 179, 179n Argument Branch diagrams, 154
Abbreviations, in note-taking, 158 analytical/critical thinking skills, 131–133 Breaks, 39, 41, 110, 172
Abilities, 57, 60, 304 def ned, 83 Briggs, Katherine, 61
Academic integrity, 10–13 evidence, 83–84 Budgeting, 276–279
benef ts of, 12–13 Aristotle, 59 adjusting earnings or spending, 278–279
in growth mindset, 10–13 Assertive communication, 238–239 def ned, 277
in taking tests, 203–205 Assessment earnings, 277–278
technology and, 11–13, 204 communication skills, 222 spending, 277–278
violations of, 11–12 cultural competence, 222 working at school, 282–283, 305
Achievable SMART goals, 33 learning preferences, 54–55, 56–63 Bulimia nervosa, 255
Achievements, in personal mission, 31 listening skills, 140 Burka, Jane B., 43
Acronyms, 182 memory skills, 164 Byers, Bruce E., 151n
Action needs, 36
in career success, 306 note-taking skills, 140 Caffeine, 253
learned optimism and, 14 personality, 55, 59–63, 228–229, 301, Calendars, 40
as memory strategy, 178 303, 310
in practical thinking process, 95 personal wellness, 246 Career Placement Registry, 310
in time management, 43 reading skills, 108 Career planning, 307
translating thought into, 315 stress, 256 Career success, 299–323
working toward goals, 33–35 study skills, 164 goals in, 4–6
Action verbs, in essay exams, 210, 211 test anxiety, 201 investigating career paths, 301–304
Active listening, 141–142 for test taking. See Test taking job search, 307–314
Active reading, 109–110 test-taking skills, 192 knowing what employers want, 305–306
Addiction, 257, 262 thinking skills, 23–24, 80, 322–323 knowledge and experience in, 304–305
Adventurer personality dimension, 61, 63, Associations, as mnemonic devices, 180 life success and, 17–19
65–66, 67, 229–230, 303 Assumptions, 85 majors, 33, 69, 304
Aerosols, 260 challenging, 90–91 multiple intelligences, 301, 302
Agendas, 234 Attitude. See Mindset personality and strengths, 64, 301
Aggressive communication, 238–239 Audesirk, Gerald, 151n planning, 307
AIDS/HIV, 263–266 Audesirk, Teresa, 151n preparing for, 4–6, 300–307
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 262 Audio strategies, 175 working at school, 282–283, 305
Alcohol use, 253, 257, 259, 262, 266 Avoidance of conf ict, 240 CARS test for information quality, 132,
American Financial Solutions, 290 Award letters, 286 133
American Psychological Association, 274 Carter, Carol, 31
America’s Job Bank, 310 Back matter, surveying, 114 Caruso, David R., 15, 16n
Anabolic steroids, 259 Bates, Marilyn, 61 Categories, 87
Analytical/critical thinking skills, 82–87, Bensley, D. Alan, 81 Cause-and-effect chain, 85, 247
317 Berman, Larry, 185n Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 250,
assessing, 23, 322 Bias, 85 257, 258n
breaking information into parts, 83, 310 Certif cates of deposit (CDs), 293
critical response to reading, 130–133 Binge drinking, 257, 266 Challenge
in decision making, 97, 98 Binge eating disorder, 255 challenging work, 4
evaluating evidence, 83–86, 322 Birth control, 263, 264 learned optimism and, 13–15
examining evidence, 83–86, 322 Bishop, Joyce, 59n, 61 Chapter elements
gathering information, 82–83 Bloom, Benjamin, 116–117 questions related to, 114, 116
Internet searches and, 127–130 Bloom’s Taxonomy, 116–117 surveying, 114
learned optimism and, 14 BMI (body mass index), 250 Character, in personal mission, 31
making connections, 86–87 Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence, 57, 60, 66, Charting method, 153–154
nature of, 7 69, 113, 147, 177, 207, 231, 248, Cheating, 10–3, 203–205
in problem solving, 96–98 280, 302 Children’s Internet Protection Act, 83
questions, 87 Body language, 232–233 Chunking, 173, 174
in reading process, 124 Body mass index (BMI), 250 Civility, 234
in social sciences and humanities, 124 Bookmarks, 130 Class attendance
as study skill, 173, 184–186 Boolean logic, 127, 128 courses and career interests, 305
test preparation, 196 Boundary setting, 43–44 note-taking, 145–148, 184–186
in test taking, 196 Brain. See also Neuroscience Classif ed advertisements, 309–310