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impulse control, 257 Optimism, 13–15, 216, 319–320 def ning practical thinking, 93
information processing model of Organizer personality dimension, 61, 63, emotional intelligence and, 93–95
memory, 164–166 64, 66, 67, 229–230, 303 importance of, 93
mirror neurons, 15 Outlines nature of, 7
neurotransmitters, 165 in note-taking, 150–151 questions, 95
prefrontal cortex role in in test taking, 213 in test taking, 193–194
questioning, 81–82 Overeaters Anonymous (OA), 262 Preferences
Neurotransmitters, 165 OxyContin, 260 mismatches, 42
Nicotine, 257–259, 260 in time management, 35
Nielsen, Jakob, 126 Pace of college, 3 Prefrontal cortex, 81–82
Nonverbal cues, 232–233 Panic disorder, 255 Prejudice, 224
Note-taking skills, 145–158 Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 5, 6 identifying, 224
annotation, 118 Part-time jobs, 282–283, 305 standing up to, 228
assessing, 140 Passive communication, 238–239 Preparation, 234
branch diagrams, 154 Patterns, 87 Presentations, 234–235
charting method, 153–154 in listening process, 143–144 Pretesting, 196
during class, 145–148, 184–186 in taking tests, 214 Previewing, 145
combining class notes and reading Paul, Richard, 80, 87n Primary sources, 110
notes, 184–186, 196 Peer-assisted study sessions, 169 Princeton Review, The, 130–131, 305
Cornell T-note format, 151–152 Perfectionism, 43 Priorities
electronic strategies, 155 Perseverance, 314 exercise, 252
f ash cards, 175 Personality prioritizing, def ned, 37
f owcharts, 154–155 assessing, 55, 59–63, 228–229, 301, for study, 170
highlighting, 118–121, 126 303 for test taking, 194
improving speed, 156–158 classroom choices, 63–65 in time management, 37, 39–40
interview, 309 job success, 64, 301 Privacy, 236–237
learning preferences, 146, 150 learning preferences, 55 Private f nancial aid, 286
master note sets, 184–186, 196 study choices, 67 Probing questions, in problem solving, 96
meetings, 234 technology choices, 67–68 Problem solving, 96–98
mind maps, 152–153 workplace choices, 68–71 anger management, 240
multiple intelligences, 147 Personality Spectrum, 55, 59–63, 228–229, decision making versus, 97, 98
outlines, 150–151 301, 303 in mathematics, 123, 178
for readings, 148, 184–186, 196 Personal mission, 30–31 in science, 123, 178
review and revision, 146 Personal relationships, 235–240 Procedural memory, 166
shorthand, 156–158 family obligations, 110, 169, 170 Procrastination, 42–43, 315
study groups and, 169 positive strategies, 235–236 Productive mindset, 143
as study strategy, 172 Perspectives, 85 Professors. See Instructors
tables, 154 shifting, 90–91 Punctuality, 234
technology and, 155 Pew Research Center, 67 Purpose
in test taking, 196 Phishing scams, 289 of listening, 142
timelines, 154 Physical health. See also Wellness of reading, 109
Note-taking systems, 150–155 diet and nutrition, 172, 197, 247–250 of study, 171–172
Nutrition. See Diet and nutrition sleep, 41, 172, 197, 252–253
substance use, 257–262 Qualif ers, 202
Obesity, 250, 255, 262 Pink, Daniel, 6 Questioning. See also Test taking
Objective test questions, 193, 206–209 Pixar, 90 analytical questions, 87
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 255 Plagiarism, 11–13 to analyze career areas, 304
Off ce of career planning and placement, Planners, 37, 194 asking “what if” questions, 91
308 Planning. See also Time management Bloom’s Taxonomy in, 116–117
OneFile, 129 career success, 307 during class, 146
O*NET Online, 302 f nancial, 293–295 in creative thinking, 80–82, 92
Online materials, 125–126 teamwork, 234 critical response to reading, 131–133
for career and job search, 308, 309–310 in test taking, 210 diverse cultures and, 227
F-pattern reading, 126 Podcasts, 175 effective, 80–81
phishing scams, 289 Point of view, 91 to evaluate arguments, 131–133
Online research, 125–133 Positive attitude information interviews, 309
evaluating sources, 132, 133 learned optimism, 13–15, 216, 319–320 in listening process, 142
in job search, 309–310 in listening process, 143 in practical thinking, 95
search engines, 129, 130 to reading comprehension, 109–110 prefrontal cortex role in, 81–82
search strategy, 130–133 to test anxiety, 198, 200 problem solving, 96
On-time percentage, 35 Positive self-talk, 200 in problem solving, 97
Open mindedness, 110, 144 Possible solutions, in problem solving, 97, 98 in reading process, 109–110
Openness, in teamwork, 234 Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 255 reasons for, 81
Opinions Potentials, 55 in SQ3R reading strategy, 114–117
facts versus, 84 Practical thinking skills, 93–96, 317 test taking, 202
statement of, 84 action and, 95 Quicken, 277
Opportunity cost, 276 assessing, 23–24, 322–323 Quora, 204
344 Index