Page 379 - Keys To Community College Success
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Classroom taking risks, 89, 91–92 emotional intelligence and, 224
combining class and reading notes, Credit bureaus, 291 learning disabilities, 71–75
184–186, 196 Credit cards, 287–292 meaning of, 222–228
course syllabus, 109, 193 credit scores, 290–292 valuing, 223
note-taking skills, 145–148, 184–186 operation, 288 Drafting, in test taking, 210, 212
personality and choices in, 63–65 problems, 288–290 Drug use, 259–261, 262, 266
Cocaine, 259 terminology, 289 Dweck, Carol, 6–7, 9–10
Collaboration Credit history, 290–291
mixing with private time, 90 Creditors, 290–291 Earnings
in teamwork, 90, 234 Credit scores, 290–292 adjusting, 278–279
College risks and rewards, 1–6 Crime in budgeting process, 277–278
culture of college, 3–4 hate, 226, 228 increasing, 279–287
growing as risk taker and thinker, sexual assault, 266–268 as reward of college, 4, 5
314–320 Critical thinking skills. See Analytical/ Eating disorders, 255–256
people connections, 4 critical thinking skills Ebbinghaus, Herman, 166
Comfort zone, 91 Criticism Ebert, Ronald J., 119n
Commitments offering, 232 Ecstasy, 259
realistic, 44 receiving, 232 Editing, essay exams, 211
thinking about, 44 types, 232 Effective listening, 141–142
Common sense. See Practical thinking skills CSS/Financial Aid Prof le, 286 Electronic communication, 236–237
Communication skills, 221–235. See also Cultural competence, 222–228 advantages and disadvantages, 237
Listening skills adaptation to diverse cultures, 227–228 dangers, 236–237, 289–290, 308, 309
adjusting to communication styles, assessing, 222 note-taking, 155
228–232 body language, 232–233 privacy protection, 236–237
assessing, 222 building cultural knowledge, 226–227 Eley, George, 104n
body language, 232–233 def ned, 223 Email, phishing scams, 289
communication technology, 236–237 interaction of cultures, 225–226 Emotional intelligence (EI), 15–17, 236
cultural competence, 222–228 lifelong learning, 318 abilities of, 16–17
electronic communication, 236–237 prejudice identif cation, 224 benef ts of, 16
giving and receiving criticism, 232 stereotype identif cation, 224–225 in career success, 305–306
intergenerational, 230–232, 317 valuing diversity, 223 diversity and, 224
multiple intelligences, 230, 231 Cultural knowledge, 226–227 measuring, 16
presentations, 235 Culture of college, 3–4 practical thinking skills and, 93–95
strategic approach, 238–239 Curiosity, in creativity, 89 Emotions
Commuting, as time waster, 42 connections to study, 171–172
Comparison and contrast, 86 Debit cards, 290 diverse cultures and, 227
Compound interest, 293 Decision making, 96–101 feelings about tests, 200
Comprehension. See Reading about alcohol use, 253, 257, 259, 262, Employment. See also Career success
comprehension 266 as reward of college, 4, 5
Concentration skills, 110–111, 142, 143 about drug use, 259–261, 266 working at school, 282–283, 305
Conf ict management, 238–240 problem solving versus, 97, 98 workplace choices, 68–71
prevention strategies, 238–239 about sexual activity, 262–268 Energy patterns, 35
resolution strategies, 240 about tobacco use, 257–259, 260 Ephedrine, 260
Confusion, as time waster, 42 Declarative memory, 166 Episodic memory, 166
Connections Default, student loan, 287 Equifax, 291
in analytical/critical thinking, 86–87 Delayed gratif cation, 247, 316 Escalation of conf ict, 240
SQ3R in making, 122 DeNardo, Arlina, 286 Essay exam questions, 193, 209–214
Consistency, in teamwork, 234 Depression, 253–255 Ethics, 10. See also Academic integrity
Constructive criticism, 232 Detoxif cation (“detox”) centers, 262, 91
Continuing education, 317 Dictionaries, 111 Evaluation
Contributions, in personal mission, 31 Diet and nutrition, 172, 247–250 of arguments, 131–133
Cornell T-note format, 151–152 eating disorders, 255–256 of evidence, 83–86, 322
Counseling services, 72, 262 eating habits, 249 in listening process, 141
credit, 290 evaluating food sources, 250 of personal perceptions and attitudes,
rape and incest, 266–268 ideal weight, 250 223–225
Course syllabus, 109, 193 in test preparation, 197 Evans, Mike, 252
Cover letters, 310–312 variety in, 249–250 Evidence, 131
Covey, Stephen, 31 Digital natives, 125 in argument, 83–84
Cramming, 197, 253 Digital revolution, 4 biased, 85
Creative thinking skills, 88–93, 317 Directions, test taking, 202 examining, 83–86
assessing, 23, 322 Discounts, student, 279 identifying, 83
brainstorming/braingaming in, 90 Discrimination, 225–226 supporting ideas with, 84
def ning creativity, 88–89 Distractions, 43, 110, 142, 169, 200, 234 Examples, in argument, 83–84
ingredients of, 89–90 Diversity, 4, 221–228. See also Learning Executive function, 81
nature of, 7 preferences; Personality Spectrum Exercise, 172, 250–252
questions, 80–82, 92 communication skills, 221–235 Expenses
shifting perspective, 90–91 cultural competence, 222–228 adjusting, 278–279
Index 341