Page 42 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 42

Figure 7:   LED Lights and Ventilation Fan.

                                                                 Adopting a U-shaped layout for the assembly line (see
                                                                 Figure 2) optimises material flow efficiency and reduces the
                                                                 need for transportation within the facility. Carrier Transicold
                                                                 adopts the Kaizen approach, which includes the relentless
            Figure 6: Suction System for Condensate Collection   pursuit of waste reduction.

            Good Environmental Practices
                                                                 •  Corrosion Resistance: Aluminium’s inherent resistance to
            Carrier Transicold prioritises the reduction of carbon emissions      corrosion ensures longevity and durability, contributing to
            as a cornerstone of its environmental commitment. To this      are extended product lifespan.
            end, the company has implemented several commendable
            practices to minimise its carbon footprint. LED lights have   •  Recyclability: Aluminium is highly recyclable, aligning
            replaced fluorescent lights and ventilation fans are used in      with our commitment to environmental sustainability.
            the assembly areas to provide thermal comfort to shop floor
            personnel. These are shown in Figure 8.              However,  aluminium lacks the damping capacity of wood,
                                                                 which could compromise stability during transportation.
                                                                 To  address  this  challenge,  the  ESI  team  brainstormed
            ECO Solution1: Reuse Base Support                    innovative design solutions. As shown in Figure 8,  a design
                                                                 enhancement by incorporating two slots on the aluminium
            In pursuing sustainable practices, the ESI team explored  support was proposed. These slots secure the support of
            alternative materials to replace the current wooden plank  the forklift’s forks, preventing the shifting of units during
            base support. After careful consideration, aluminium  transportation. This design modification ensures stability and
            emerged as a promising candidate due to its following  enhances safety while maintaining aluminium’s lightweight
            characteristics:                                     and durable properties.

            •   Lightweight: With a density of 2,710 kg/m3, aluminium
                significantly reduces weight compared to wood.

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