Page 44 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 44

The average annual carbon emission savings resulting from the implementation of eco-solution 2, based on the avoidance
            of water consumption due to the use of recovered condensate in the brazing process, is estimated as 160m3 x 1.43 kg CO2/
            m3 = 230kg C02/yr.


            Transport refrigeration systems play a pivotal role in  and plentiful enough for cooling purposes. To ensure the
            safeguarding the integrity of heat-sensitive goods, including  efficacy of our eco-solution,  a prototype filtering system was
            fruits and medical products, during transportation. However,  designed & fabricated to remove suspended solids from the
            the fabrication process of these units inevitably consumes  condensate.
            resources such as materials, energy, and water, thereby
            contributing to carbon emissions. It is imperative to mitigate  Through the implementation of our solution, we have
            these emissions by adopting best sustainability practices in  achieved an average annual saving of 230kg/CO2 year. While
            resource utilisation.                                this figure may seem modest in isolation, the collective impact
                                                                 of such initiatives across similar SME can be significant. Every
            The  ESI  team  conducted  an  environmental  review  within  sector must play its part in adopting sustainable practices
            the company to pinpoint areas for improvement. Among  to accumulate substantial carbon savings and mitigate
            the regions identified, the team focused on reusing  environmental impacts. By prioritising sustainability and
            condensate to cool electronic devices during brazing. This  innovation, we can work towards a future where carbon
            implementation has successfully eliminated the need for tap  emissions are minimised, and our environment is preserved
            water, as the condensate generated during testing is clean  for future generations.

                 helping-Singaporeans-reduce-their-carbon- footprint


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