Page 45 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 45

Student’s Reflection

                                                  Muhg Khairunnas:
                                                  In today’s world, buzzwords like “net-zero emission,” “go green,” and “eco-
                                                  friendly” are ubiquitous. Unfortunately, many of us let these terms pass by
                                                  without truly contemplating their significance. However, the enlightening
                                                  session by Prof. Jeff Obbard served as a wake-up call. It made us realise the
                                                  impact of our daily actions on the environment. We cannot afford to ignore
                                                  this reality. Achieving the target of net-zero emissions requires everyone to
                                                  play their part responsibly.

                                                  Leonard Koh:
                                                  Participating in the environmental review was an enlightening experience.
                                                  Prof. Jeff Obbard’s insights underscored the importance of reducing our
                                                  carbon footprint. This review provided us with a platform to translate our
                                                  beliefs into action. Reducing carbon emissions is crucial, especially given the
                                                  tangible impacts of climate change we’ve already witnessed. We must engage
                                                  in public education efforts to raise and incorporate environmental awareness
               (From Left): Muhd Khairunnas,      into educational curricula and activities.
              Leonard Koh, Wei Bo, Mark Wong

            Wei Bo:
            Living  in an affluent society, we  often take  things for granted,  such as leaving  fans running  unnecessarily  due to the
            affordability of electricity. However, this project has heightened our awareness of our environmental impact. We now
            understand that small actions can have significant consequences for the environment. Creating awareness is crucial in
            encouraging the widespread adoption of sustainable practices.

            Mark Wong:
            As engineering students, we focus predominantly on technological advancements, neglecting the environmental aspect.
            Through this project, we’ve come to appreciate the importance of environmental protection, particularly waste reduction.
            We’ve realised that waste extends beyond material possessions. We advocate for incorporating graded elective subjects
            on environmental topics into every course curriculum. This would motivate students to achieve good grades and raise
            awareness about environmental protection, providing them with valuable skills for their future careers.

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