Page 58 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 58

Each CNC machine uses two pumps to circulate coolant
            effectively. One pump directs coolant onto the workpiece
            and cutting tool, ensuring efficient cooling and lubrication.
            The second pump removes chips created during machining
            by  circulating  coolant  on  the  cutting  area’s  side.  This
            dual-pump system optimises coolant flow and enhances
            machining efficiency.

            By addressing these environmental concerns, DM
            Engineering can improve its environmental performance
            while maintaining operational efficiency and product       Figure 4: Back of CNC machine with 2 coolant pumps
            quality. Figure  4 shows the picture of the two pumps at the
            back of each CNC machine.
                                                                 Figure 5: Shows the coolant nozzles that blown onto the
                                                                 workpiece and cutting tools to remove the metal chips.
             The power rating of each pump = 1.1A X 240V = 264w. There
             are 26 pumps used in all 13 CNC machines, and the power
             rating for all 26 pumps is 264w X 26 = 6864 w. Considering the
             machines ran for 10 hours daily, the daily power consumption
             is 6864w X 10, which is 68640Wh or 68.640kWh. The daily,
             monthly and annual power consumption for all 26 pumps is
             shown in Table 1:

               Daily (kWh)      Monthly      Annual (kWh)

                  68.64          1372.8         16473.6

             Table 1: Daily, monthly and annual power consumption               Figure 5: Coolant nozzles
             for 26 coolant pumps.
                                                                 The used coolant flows from the machining area into the
                                                                 coolant reservoir, filtered through a mesh to remove the
             The annual power consumption converted to carbon using   chips and recirculate again. Oil, is removed with a skimmer
             the conversion rate (0.4057kg CO2/kWh) is 16473.6 X 0.4057,   machine. Figure 6 shows the coolant reservoir and the
             6,683.33kg of CO2.                                  skimmer machine where the lubricant is removed. Figure
                                                                 7 shows the mesh used to remove the metal chips during

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