Page 64 - Towards A Sustainable Future 2024
P. 64

Presentation of Data

            With both eco-solutions deployed, we projected the coolant lifetime could increase from 1.5 months to 3 months with a 50%
            reduction in coolant usage volume (Table 4 and 5). The equivalent reduction of CO2 is shown in Table 5.

                Usage       Annual    Annual CO2  Conversion        Usage       Annual    Annual CO2  Conversion
                            Usage      emissions                                Usage      emissions
                                          (kg)                                                (kg)
               Electricity  16473.6kWh   6683       0.4057kg       Electricity  4800.6kWh     1948      0.4057kg
                                                    CO2/kWh                                             CO2/kWh

                Water     20.8m3         29.74     1.43kg CO2/      Water     11.05m3         15.8     1.43kg CO2/
                                                       m3                                                  m3

                      Table 3:  Annual Utility Consumption      Table 4: Estimated Annual Utility Consumption on Deploy-
                                                                ment of Eco-solutions 1 and 2

                   Amount of        Total amount of  Total amount of  Annual water   Annual CO2
                   coolant mixture  coolant mixture  coolant mixture  saving (m3)    saved (kg)
                   used per CNC     used for all 13   saved for all 13   - With a 1:15   {Conversation
                   machine per      CNC machines    CNC machines    water-to-        Ratio 1.43kg
                   year (litre)     per year (litre)  per year (litre)  coolant ratio  CO2/m3}

                         1600            20800           10400            9.75            13.94

                               Table 5: Amount of Coolant saved per year converted to CO2 emission reduction

   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69