Page 146 - Face2Face Inter
P. 146
Language Summary 7 DVD-ROM 7
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a Goals and achievements 7A p54 & Computers (2) 7C p58
A social networking site is a website such as Facebook,
achieve your go•als succeed in doing the things that you want Google+, etc. that is designed to help people communicate
to do in life, especially after a lot of work: If you work hard, you and share information, photos, etc. with a group.
will achieve your goals. When you update your status, you add a new comment to
put a lot of effort into sth use a lot of physical or mental your page on a social networking site. Also: update your
activity in order to achieve something: She puts a lot of effort (Facebook) page and a status update
into everything she does. Also: make an effort to do sth
A profile is the personal information (interests, married, etc.)
do your best make the greatest effort possible: It doesn't
you add to your page on a social networking site.
matter if you don't win, just try to do your best.
When you uplo·ad something, you copy or move photos,
have an opportunity be in a situation that makes it possible
documents, etc. to a website. (opposite: downlo·ad)
for you to do something that you want to do: Henry was very
happy to have the opportunity to work in Hollywood. A forum is a website or part of a website where people can
mess sth up (informal) do something wrong or badly: I really discuss particular topics. Also: a message board
messed up that job interview. When you post a comment on a website, forum, etc. you write
dre·am of sth imagine something that you would like to happen: something for other people to read.
I've always dreamed of living on a beautiful island. When you tweet, you write a message on Twitter for other
enco·urage / m kAnd3/ talk or behave in a way that makes people to read. Also: a tweet (noun)
somebody else more confident to do something: My friends When you follow somebody on Twitter, you are automatically
encouraged me to write a novel. sent messages from this person when they tweet.
take part in sth be involved in an activity with other people: A link is a connection between two pages on the internet.
All the children took part in the competition.
make the most of sth get the maximum use, benefit or m Use of articles: a, an, the, no article
enjoyment from something, often because it may not last long:
It's a beautiful day - let's make the most of it. 7C p59
go wrong change or end in a bad or negative way: Whatever
• We use a or an:
I try to do, it always goes wrong.
a when we don't know, or it isn't important, which one:
Many of them can't go a day without checking for status
TIP• We say have an/the opportunity to do something not
have a/the possibility to do something.
b with jobs: If you're a designer working in Dublin .. .
& Computers (1) 78 p56 c to talk about a person or thir:'lg for the first time: ... you
have a new person to add to your collection of friends.
a password a secret combination of letters or numbers which • We use the:
you use when you log onto a computer website. d to talk about the same person or thing for the second/
install software (onto a computer) put a computer program third/fourth, etc. time: But do you really want to be friends
onto a computer so that the computer can use it.
with the person?
back sth up copy documents, files, etc. from a computer
onto a memory stick, another computer, online, etc. e when there is only one (or only one in a particular place):
store put or keep things in a particular place so you can read Social networking sites are one of the most amazing
or use them in the future. success stories of the internet.
a hard drive part of a computer that stores information. f with countries that are groups of islands or states:
a memory stick a small piece of equipment that you use for According to a children's charity in the UK ...
storing information or photos. Also a USB drive or a USB stick
g with superlatives: The largest number of active social
spam unwanted emails, usually advertisements.
relationships is 150.
an attachment a document, picture, etc. sent with an email.
a virus / valf;}S/ a computer program which can make copies • We don't use an article:
of itself and stops a computer from working normally. h for most towns, cities, countries and continents: ... or an
crash when a computer or a website suddenly stops working. engineer who's moving to Egypt .. .
copy sb in (on an email) send somebody a copy of an email
that you are sending to somebody else. to talk about people or things in general: But what effect
is this having on society ?
forward sth to sb send an email you have received to
somebody else's computer. for some public places (school, hospital, university,
delete remove a document, email, etc. from a computer. college, prison, etc.) when we talk about what they are
print (o.ut) produce a copy of a document, etc. on paper. used for in general: You don't have to be at school or
scan use a machine to put a document, etc. into a computer. university to use social networking sites .
Wi Fi a wireless way of connecting computers to the internet in
a public place (a cafe, a train, etc.). TIP• We use the with public places when we talk about the
building: She works in the school opposite the park. He's gone
to the hospital to visit his father.
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