Page 6 - T3 Minutes of the Meeting
P. 6

52       Ms. Arlene Estrada reminded all that the schedule for AACCUP accreditation would be in August
          53   2020, and she likewise presented the Committee Task Force for each area.
          56       Prof. Sedigo presented the Calendar of Activities, Second Semester 2020, and reminded all to be
          57   always prepared for the upcoming activities and deadlines of compliances.
          59       Prof. Sedigo requested Prof. Feranil (Trece Campus), Prof. Sebastian (Tanza Campus) and Dr.
          60   Manarpiis (Gentri Campus) to prepare the IMDU Committee Campus immediately to be submitted to
          61   the Office of the University President for approval. And, they all agreed with Prof. Sedigo.
          63       As  to  midterm  examination,  Prof.  Sedigo  reminded  all  faculty  to  prepare  and  submit  their
          64   midterm examinations with TOS to their respective Department Chairs at least two weeks before the
          65   scheduled exam for review and approval before reproduction.
          67       The University Games and as well as Foundation Day are yet to be rescheduled per campus.
          68   However,  for T3 campuses,  it  was agreed  to  have a  temporary  schedule  for the  foundation  day
          69   celebrations and solidarity programs as follows: Trece: May 6, 2020; Tanza: May 7, 2020, and Gentri:
          70   May 8, 2020.
          72       Prof. Noel A. Sedigo calls the attention of Ms. Mary Ann L. Anonas, T3 registrar, and the rest of
          73   the registrar aid to do the counterchecking of the Master List to ensure correct billing as to the
          74   number of the enrolled students. Ms. Anonas said she had already done the counterchecking of the
          75   master  list.  She  even  visited  the  Gen.  Trias  City  campus  to  ensure  the  records'  accuracy  to  be
          76   submitted at the main campus. Likewise, all OSAS Head and CSG advisers are requested to process
          77   the students' insurance as soon as possible.
          79       Prof. Sedigo also reminded the permanent, temporary, and casual faculty and staff to submit PDS
          80   and SALN to the HR Coordinator to be submitted on or before March 16, 2020, at the main campus.
          82       As per Prof. Sedigo, Flexi-time is still up, and the use of biometrics is always encouraged. He
          83   requested Dr. Demetillo to prepare a letter to ask the qualified T3 personnel to allow Flexi-time
          84   because of the other designations they have. Prof. Sedigo also informed Ms. Hosmillo to request a
          85   new biometric for Trece Campus since it is no longer working.
          87       Mr. Laynes reiterated  that Gentri Campus  could hardly impose  the solid waste management
          88   program since they are occupying three locations. The guards could barely monitor the students'
          89   activities in disposing of their garbage.
          90       Prof. Sedigo reminds Ms. Manlapig to remind the canteen owners about garbage disposal and
          91   Ms. Lontoc, Mr. Cajigas, and Mr. Laynes to monitor solid waste management for each campus.
          93       Mr. Cajigas requested for a truck and driver to pick up the chairs in Las Pinas donated by the
          94   concerned foundation. Prof. Sedigo asked John to coordinated the said request to the main campus.
          96   No further matter was discussed.
          98   The meeting adjourned at 2:15 p.m.
        100    Prepared by:                                       Noted by:
        103    JESSIE ANNE T. DEMETILLO, PhD                      NOEL A. SEDIGO, MSc
        104    Campus Secretary                                   Campus Administrator
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